If it is any indication of how a comic value can be effected by the character appearing on a TV show, just check out what the first appearance of Deadshot. The book has jumped to $100 book in just a few months. Continue reading “Suicide Squad Confirmed on this season on Arrow”
Tag: comic book speculation
Preacher officially announced for AMC
We posted a blurb about the Seth Rogen produced Preacher coming to AMC, home of The Walking Dead, earlier. Here is the rest of the story, as well as a list of the key issues is the series. Continue reading “Preacher officially announced for AMC”
Red 5 Comic "Haunted" optioned by Bryan Singer
The hits keep on coming, well the movie and TV options that is. So here is a little known comic, Haunted that has been picked up Bryan Singer’s Production Company Bad Hat Harry. Continue reading “Red 5 Comic "Haunted" optioned by Bryan Singer”
Preacher TV Deal Reached with AMC
Well, this didn’t take long. There were rumors of a Preacher TV deal on the pipe, and it just got announced. Continue reading “Preacher TV Deal Reached with AMC”
THE RED STAR from Image could be heading to tv
i09 is reporting that The Red Star could be heading to TV. Originally it was optioned as a movie but the rights have lapsed. Continue reading “THE RED STAR from Image could be heading to tv”
JLA Character Vibe set to appear on Flash Tv show
I promised to do some DC movie and TV news yesterday and never got to it. So this is the first of a couple of stories about DC projects and speculation coming up. Continue reading “JLA Character Vibe set to appear on Flash Tv show”
DMZ by Madmen Creators on SyFy
Deadline is reporting the Comic by creator Brian Wood, DMZ is coming to SyFy channel. With the announcement of Sandman movie, and the iZombie TV show, there were mentions of another Vertigo title getting a show. Continue reading “DMZ by Madmen Creators on SyFy”
Hoknes Comics hot new comics for delivery 2/5/14
Each week Terry Hoknes of www.hoknescomics.com spotlights hot new comics and small press books. Here is his video for this week, with delivery date of 2/5/14 (Today!) (Hurrah for new comics!)
Also, be sure to check out his web site as he is having a huge 50% off back issues from his stock of recent hot comics. www.hoknescomics.com/comicsforsale.htm
Spec-spotlight Afterlife with Archie #6 Pepoy Variant
The post about Afterlife with Archie #5 Pepoy Variant went over well. In fact, I saw that it is now sold out at TFAW. Mycomicshop does not have it for pre-order yet. But hey, looks like Afterlife with Archie is going to continue to spotlight the teen female characters in lingerie. Continue reading “Spec-spotlight Afterlife with Archie #6 Pepoy Variant”
Spec-spotlight Afterlife with Archie #5 Pepoy Variant
One of the books we skipped over in our A Look Ahead to March and April post the other night was Afterlife with Archie #5 Pepoy Variant. The reason we skipped over it was because of the cover being so good we thought it deserved it’s own story. Continue reading “Spec-spotlight Afterlife with Archie #5 Pepoy Variant”
Comics Pick of the Week for 2/5/14
This is a big week, an especially big week for Marvel. For DC, there are some returning recently hot characters getting books released. Check out our picks of the week. Continue reading “Comics Pick of the Week for 2/5/14”
Sold Out Comics: Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1
Once a Gold Key Book, then a Valiant, at Dark Horse, and now at Dynamite. The past is important here because of the built in fan base that helped Turok Dinosaur Hunter sell out before it’s 2/5/14 release. Continue reading “Sold Out Comics: Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1”
Superbowl Commercials and Comic Book Speculation
Well the game was not very exciting, especially when if you were a Denver fan. I am not a fan of either team so I didn’t care about the game. There was some great comic book movie commercials that could lead to speculation. Continue reading “Superbowl Commercials and Comic Book Speculation”
A Look ahead to March and April
There are a ton of cool books coming out in the spring that are worth speculating on. Most are new series, some with existing characters, check them out and let us know what you think. Continue reading “A Look ahead to March and April”
Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list for 1/31/14
The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List is a great guide to see what coming out is going to be hot. These are the books retailers are going back to get more copies of, before the order cut off, to meet demand. Here is this weeks: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list for 1/31/14”
Dredd Underbelly Movie Sequel heating up
Released this Wednesday, and sold out quickly, Dredd Underbelly Movie Sequel One Shot is quickly heating up, if you can find it. Continue reading “Dredd Underbelly Movie Sequel heating up”
Nimrod in New X-Movie?
Speculation is saying that the Sentinel on the cover of Empire Magazine is actually Nimrod. Continue reading “Nimrod in New X-Movie?”
Sold Out Comics for the week of 1/29/14
Another week full of sold out books. Image and Marvel continue to sell out books, due to mostly their printing to order. Here is this weeks list: Continue reading “Sold Out Comics for the week of 1/29/14”
"Sheltered" Movie coming from Walking Dead Producers
Hollywood Reporter has the exclusive that “Sheltered” from Image comics is being looked at for a movie by Jesse Peyronel and The Walking Dead producers Circle of Confusion. Continue reading “"Sheltered" Movie coming from Walking Dead Producers”
CHU Chatter: Night of the Living Deadpool Hasting Variant
Thanks to Drew for pointing this out, Night of the Living Deadpool #1 Hastings Variant is back up. It can be found here: http://bit.ly/1baKrIT Continue reading “CHU Chatter: Night of the Living Deadpool Hasting Variant”
Hoknes Comics hot new comics for 1/29/14
Each week Terry Hoknes of www.hoknescomics.com releases a video spotlighting the hot new comics for the week. Here is the one for comic book release date 1/29/14
CW orders pilot for iZombie
Thanks to UKPondside for the heads up:
CBR is running a story that iZombie has had a pilot ordered for the CW. From CBR:
The CW’s in-development adaptation of Vertigo series “iZombie” has moved to a very important stage: Deadline reported Wednesday that the network has ordered a pilot for the series, written and executive produced by “Veronica Mars” creator Rob Thomas and frequent collaborator Diane Ruggiero. Full Story here
Prices are jumping again but there are still some bargains on iZombie on eBay.
Comics Picks of the week for delivery 1/29/14
Each week hundreds of new comics come out. Each week we pour through the listings to pick the ones we feel stand out among the crowd. Here are this weeks picks of the week.
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for delivery 1/29/14”
SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for January 22 2014 Release Week
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com – hoknes@hotmail.com
Support new comics !
This column is here to help promote brand new comic book series.
Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for January 22 2014 Release Week”
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list 1/24/14
The Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list is a peek into what is going to be hot in the near future. Its the list of books that retailers are scrambling to get more copies of before the final order cut off. These are books people are talking about, asking about, or getting coverage on web sites, blogs, and message boards. Here is this weeks:
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list 1/24/14”