Tyson B. from www.toyboxone.com opens the Deadpool themed Collector’s Corp Box. Check it out:
Tag: comic books speculation
Monster World #1 Preview
At American Gothic Press, after splashing into the comic market with three Sci-Fi dystopias and a kaiju tale, we decided to take it down a notch and go classic in true monster style. Written by Philip Kim and Steve Niles, with art by Piotr Kowalski, and colors by Dennis Calero, MONSTER WORLD is a comic filled with Gumshoes, Ghouls, and Gruesome terror! MONSTER WORLD #1 will be available to purchase on Amazon, Comixology, and comic shops everywhere December 16th, 2015. Continue reading “Monster World #1 Preview”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 7/22/15
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 7/22/15.
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 7/22/15”
Agent Poyo’s picks of the Week for delivery 7/22/15
It’s that time again, the best damn day of the week.. New Comic Book “Drain your Wallet” Day!
So let’s get down to the picks. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s picks of the Week for delivery 7/22/15”
New Blade Series from Marvel Features Blade’s Daughter
Blade seems to be getting popular again, with talks of Wesley Snipes revisiting the role and now the official announcement of a new on-going Blade series featuring his daughter Fallon. Continue reading “New Blade Series from Marvel Features Blade’s Daughter”
Caitlin Snow Killer Frost confirmed on Flash
This one coming from Comicbook.com Killer Frost will be on The Flash. Caitlin Snow has already been on the show so it was not a big stretch to bring Killer frost on board. Continue reading “Caitlin Snow Killer Frost confirmed on Flash”
Gamestop in-store Variants for May the 4th
Ok, I am late on getting this one up. But you should still be able to grab them in-store. Gamestop had a Star Wars #4 Gamestop variant for it’s Star Wars Day celebration, yesterday, May the 4th. Continue reading “Gamestop in-store Variants for May the 4th”
Think Outside the Toy Box: Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends Exclusives
Tyson writes about toys for comicsheatingup.net.
Hasbro is launching a second line of Guardians of the Galaxy to the Marvel Legends line up. This set was announced at SDCC last year and is based on the comic book versions of our cosmic heroes. There is no build a figure. There is no hunting them down at various big box stores. They all are sold together in a pretty display box and they can only be picked up here (or be at the mercy of eBay and/or Amazon). They went up today and are available now for pre-order. Enterainment Earth plans to get these to you by August. Get in on the first wave because with an exclusive like this, it could be one and done. If you are a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy or the Marvel Legends line, don’t wait. Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends Exclusives”
Think Outside the Toy Box: New Star Wars Movie Realizations
Star Wars Celebration just happened and this years was an extra big deal with the new movie dropping this Christmas. Tamashii Nation took advantage and revealed a few new upcoming Star Wars Movie Realization items. Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: New Star Wars Movie Realizations”
Think Outside the Toy Box: Walking Dead TV Series 7
Tyson B. writes about toys and action figures for comicsheatingup.net
McFarlane toys introduce Walking Dead Series 7 action figures.
Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: Walking Dead TV Series 7”
Raymond Olubowale Rumored To Play King Shark In Suicide Squad
Comicbook.com reported today that Raymond Olubowale is rumored to play King Shark in the Suicide Squad movie.
DC’s Suicide Squad may be adding another villain to its roster with King Shark, with actor Raymond Olubowale reported to play the role.
King Shark, first introduced in the 1990s, is a humanoid shark akin to Batman’s Killer Croc character. The character battled the DC Universe’s heroes until the publisher’s New 52 reboot, when he was then cast as a regular member of Amanda Waller’s Suicide Squad.
Olubowale is best known for his role as The Axeman in Resident Evil: Afterlife and Resident Evil: Retribution. While his role as King Shark is still unconfirmed, reports indicate that an official announcement could come soon. As to whether King Shark would be another Squad member, or another antagonist for the team to fight, is still unknown.
The first appearance of King Shark is Superboy #0.
It is a cheap pick up with many copies around $1.
This move has been a spec pick for a while now since he was rumored to be just a pass over character, but this means he would get more air time.
Walking Dead issues on sale
Now through 3/30/15 Walking Dead sale at ComiXology. Under $1 an issue.
(Note: Comixology is digital comics.)
(I am sorry for the lateness of this but have been tied up in meetings in my first day back to work after two days home with a sick tot.)
Continue reading “Walking Dead issues on sale”
New series in 2015 you are looking forward to
Happy New Year!
Since things have been quiet for the holidays wanted to see what new series people are looking forward to in 2015. Continue reading “New series in 2015 you are looking forward to”
TFAW Top 20 Hottest Comics for 12/13/14
Top 20 Hottest Comics
What makes these the hottest comics? Besides being best sellers, these are also typically the ones our customers are talking about. Check them out to see what all the buzz is about!
I usually run the list once a week just to show what is selling well on-line. Granted, this is just one retailer, but you can bet that other stores are experiencing the same thing. Continue reading “TFAW Top 20 Hottest Comics for 12/13/14”
Adventure Time #33: A comic heating up
Lot’s of sales on this one after it was reported that Adventure Time #33 contained a preview for Over the Garden Wall
, copies started flying off the shelf. Continue reading “Adventure Time #33: A comic heating up”
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 12/7/14
The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list is a great speculator tool. It gives a snap shot of what comics shops are going back and getting more copies of before the books are released. These books could be new series, second issues of new series, reprints of recent hot books, or a hot story line. What ever the reason, these are the books retailers want. Here is the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder List for 12/7/14: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 12/7/14”
TFAW Top 20 new comics for 12/7/14
What makes these the hottest comics? Besides being best sellers, these are also typically the ones our customers are talking about. Check them out to see what all the buzz is about!
I usually run the list once a week just to show what is selling well on-line. Granted, this is just one retailer, but you can bet that other stores are experiencing the same thing. Continue reading “TFAW Top 20 new comics for 12/7/14”
Marvel Mystery announcements come together in Civil War Battle Map
We have been running the Marvel Mystery Announcements when they were emailed to us. We speculated that this was something to do with Civil War (others ended up following suit.) We mentioned that this could be the lead into the Marvel reboot (others followed suit.) Now, they all come together in the following Marvel video. Continue reading “Marvel Mystery announcements come together in Civil War Battle Map”
Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 11/2/14
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 11/2/14
Continue reading "Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 11/2/14"
Walking Dead 62-66 Spec
If you haven’t watched last nights episode of The Walking Dead, please do not read on.
Seriously, this is your warning. Spoilers ahead. Continue reading “Walking Dead 62-66 Spec”
Bleeding Cool runs Wolverine Spec for X-23
Bleeding Cool ran a neat little spec on the Death of Wolverine storyline and the first appearance of X-23, the female Wolverine Clone first appearing in NYX #3 Continue reading “Bleeding Cool runs Wolverine Spec for X-23”
Walking Dead Spin-off Characters
News is starting to pop up on the “potential prequel” spin off previously announced. While it would be nice if characters in the show are pulled from the comic, it looks like the characters are new creations. Continue reading “Walking Dead Spin-off Characters”
Kirkman's Outcast going to production
Robert Kirkman tweeted out that that “Demons are the new zombies.” Continue reading “Kirkman's Outcast going to production”