I have caught flack off an on for saying I am off Millar books. The reason has always been delays and over priced last issues with a few more pages. But the man does know how to sell books and movies. One that he mentioned a log time ago is suddenly getting more interest after he mentioned on Facebook, Nemesis. Continue reading “Mark Millar hints at Nemesis news”
Tag: Comics heating up
In case you missed it: Gladiator cast for Daredevil tv show
Marvel.com dropped the news that several supporting characters have been cast for the Daredevil TV show which will begin airing on April 10th on Netflix. Continue reading “In case you missed it: Gladiator cast for Daredevil tv show”
Steven Seagle Working on adaptation of American Virgin
Comics book writer (not similarly names action movie star) Steven Seagle is working to adapt his 2006 Vertigo series American Virgin into a TV series.
Continue reading “Steven Seagle Working on adaptation of American Virgin”
Variant Envy: Joker Month
Most of DC’s monthly themed variants have been passes for me. Selfie month, no thanks. Harley month, ehh… Movie posters, pass. But this one features a couple I wouldn’t mind grabbing, JOKER MONTH.
Continue reading “Variant Envy: Joker Month”
Diamond announces Orphan Black as the top selling comic book for February
Wait a minute, an IDW book is the top selling comic book for February 2015? Orphan Black #1, based on the BBC America TV show, is the top selling comic book of 2/15?
Beating out Darth Vader #1, Spider-Gwen #1, Star Wars #2, Silk #1?
Continue reading “Diamond announces Orphan Black as the top selling comic book for February”
Happy Friday the 13th. Jason Voorhees to join playable characters on Mortal Kombat X
Ed Boon Tweeted out that Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th film franchise will be a playable character in Mortal Kombat X.
The following video was linked in the tweet.
I know this is not really comic book related but I am really excited about this one if you can’t tell. (Unless DC pulls him into the comic Mortal Kombat X, and considering Wildstorm is a division of DC, and Wildstorm was the last publisher of the Friday the 13th comic, but i digress….)
(This is from just now at work in my office. Dress down Friday’s rock and the toys are already in my office)
Secret Wars Villain revealed *fixed*
Marvel is hyping up the upcoming Secret War event. The reason for the earth shattering, well earths shattering, has been revealed, he will be the big bad in the upcoming event book. See after the jump for spoilers as to who it is. Continue reading “Secret Wars Villain revealed *fixed*”
Variant Envy: Betty and Veronica #275
Wait, what? An Archie comic?
Yeah, when you add superstar artist and master of illustrating females, Adam Hughes.
Continue reading “Variant Envy: Betty and Veronica #275”
Silk #2 sold out before release
Following up on the Spider-Gwen #2 sell-out another Spider-family book has sold out through Diamond Comics in advance of the book being shipped. Silk #2 has sold out at the distributor level. Continue reading “Silk #2 sold out before release”
Iron Man Bleeding Edge armor to appear in Avengers Age of Ultron
From Comicbookmovie.com
Comicbook Movie had a post stating the Bleeding Edge armor could be appearing in Avengers Age of Ultron. Continue reading “Iron Man Bleeding Edge armor to appear in Avengers Age of Ultron”
Suicide Squad Movie Villain possibly revealed.
Latino-Review announced earlier today who the Suicide Squad movie’s bad guy would be.
Continue reading “Suicide Squad Movie Villain possibly revealed.”
Image Comics to raise print runs on their comics
They tried this before, but Image comics will start doing larger print runs to combat quick sell outs and multiple reprints. A few years back they came up with the same strategy and ended up switching it back after several months. This led to the boom of 40,000 issue new series. Continue reading “Image Comics to raise print runs on their comics”
Third Eye Spotlight #25
Each week Steve from Third Eye Comics releases a video spotlighting the cool new releases for the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 3/11/15:
Continue reading “Third Eye Spotlight #25”
Third "Four Color Grail" March variant announce
I ran the post last night about the <a href=”Four Color Grails Spider Gwen last night. I also mentioned the second variant in the March Box. Here is the third book in the box for the month of March.
Continue reading “Third "Four Color Grail" March variant announce”
CHU Flip Idea: Four Color Grails
So I put up the cover for the Four Color Grails Spider-Gwen cover and mentioned the boxes sell for about $30 plus shipping. I do not know why I didn’t think of checking this out before someone mentioned it to me. I checked eBay and think I might sign up for a second March box.
Continue reading “CHU Flip Idea: Four Color Grails”
Wednesday Open Forum
The best day of the week. It’s like your birthday smack in the middle of the week. New Comic Book Day!
Talk about whatever you want tell us your pick ups, books you dropped, books snatched off the shelf, and ones lingering.
Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
Spider-Gwen Four Color Grail variant.
Spider-Gwen is a phenomenon. No question that the Edge of Spider-verse series spawned a monster with this one. One variant not out yet that people keep emailing me about is the Four Color Grails edition.
Continue reading “Spider-Gwen Four Color Grail variant. “
The Valiant Bonfire
Kelly H. writes for comicsheatingup.net
Due to the recent announcement that Valiant secured a $100 million dollar deal to make new superhero movies a giant uptick has occurred for several key Valiant books. Dig up the following books, or check in the back issue bins for a quick flip. Plenty copies are in the wild so don’t hesitate to move them quickly.
Continue reading “The Valiant Bonfire”
New Daredevil Trailer
CBR has the latest Daredevil Netflix trailer. Looks awesome!
Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for 3/11/15
Not a huge week. Nothing really stands out as being a potential quick flip but here’s a few picks of the week, if they heat up or perhaps just a good read. Here goes…
Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for 3/11/15”
Comics Picks of the week for delivery 3/11/15
Where is this year going? Halfway through March already, the summer comic season will be upon us shortly.
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot of heating up. Here are our picks for delivery 3/11/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for delivery 3/11/15”
Secret Wars prelude TPB collect events leading to Secret Wars
Universes are colliding. The Marvel Universe as you know it is about to be destroyed. SECRET WARS #1 is just around the corner. But the path to 2015’s event to end all events can be found in the Secret Wars Prelude
TPB! Hitting stores the same day as SECRET WARS #1, this epic collection is the perfect chance to get caught up in time! Continue reading “Secret Wars prelude TPB collect events leading to Secret Wars”
Powers Episode 1
If you were interested in watching powers but do not have the Playstation Network, here is the first full episode.
Continue reading “Powers Episode 1 “
Variant Envy: Spider-Gwen #3 Comic Xposure variant
Sure, I give mad love to the guys at Comic Xposure due to them sending me variants about once a month to give away. Yeah, I appreciate that, but more than that, their variants are good. Here is their latest, and I really dig it. Spider-Gwen #3 Comicxposure variant.
Continue reading “Variant Envy: Spider-Gwen #3 Comic Xposure variant”
Late offering of Descender 1B from Image causes prices to rise
So here is the scoop on the Descender #1 B Cover which is trending up in price.
Continue reading “Late offering of Descender 1B from Image causes prices to rise”