Spider-Gwen is a phenomenon. No question that the Edge of Spider-verse series spawned a monster with this one. One variant not out yet that people keep emailing me about is the Four Color Grails edition.
Continue reading “Spider-Gwen Four Color Grail variant. “
Tag: comicsheatingup
The Valiant Bonfire
Kelly H. writes for comicsheatingup.net
Due to the recent announcement that Valiant secured a $100 million dollar deal to make new superhero movies a giant uptick has occurred for several key Valiant books. Dig up the following books, or check in the back issue bins for a quick flip. Plenty copies are in the wild so don’t hesitate to move them quickly.
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New Daredevil Trailer
CBR has the latest Daredevil Netflix trailer. Looks awesome!
Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for 3/11/15
Not a huge week. Nothing really stands out as being a potential quick flip but here’s a few picks of the week, if they heat up or perhaps just a good read. Here goes…
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Secret Wars prelude TPB collect events leading to Secret Wars
Universes are colliding. The Marvel Universe as you know it is about to be destroyed. SECRET WARS #1 is just around the corner. But the path to 2015’s event to end all events can be found in the Secret Wars Prelude
TPB! Hitting stores the same day as SECRET WARS #1, this epic collection is the perfect chance to get caught up in time! Continue reading “Secret Wars prelude TPB collect events leading to Secret Wars”
Powers Episode 1
If you were interested in watching powers but do not have the Playstation Network, here is the first full episode.
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Variant Envy: Spider-Gwen #3 Comic Xposure variant
Sure, I give mad love to the guys at Comic Xposure due to them sending me variants about once a month to give away. Yeah, I appreciate that, but more than that, their variants are good. Here is their latest, and I really dig it. Spider-Gwen #3 Comicxposure variant.
Continue reading “Variant Envy: Spider-Gwen #3 Comic Xposure variant”
Late offering of Descender 1B from Image causes prices to rise
So here is the scoop on the Descender #1 B Cover which is trending up in price.
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Think Outside the Toybox: Star Wars Black Series figures
Thanks to Tyson B. one of our toy guys for this.
When I first heard about the launch of the new Star Wars Black Series Line from Hasbro a few years back I thought, “Oh, great what the world needs, more Star Wars toys.” Don’t get me wrong I love the first three (IV,V,VI), and the original Kenner toy line. I just lost track with the new Trilogy. But something that stuck out was that they were going to do something for the first time ever, 6 inch Star Wars action figures. I like different so I figured I would concentrate on those.
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Variant Envy: Fight Club 2 #2 Francesco Francavilla Variant
Francisco Francavilla has a great following because of his more pulpy work. Here is a preview of the upcoming Fight Club 2 #2 Francisco Francavilla variant.
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AMC orders two seasons of Walking Dead spinoff
It is unusual for a TV network to order a second season of a show before the first one airs, or the episodes have finished filming, but AMC has done that with the Walking Dead Spinoff.
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The recalled Bee and Puppycat recall mystery solved
We had reported way back, and got lots of questions on if the book was really recalled and why, that Bee and Puppycat #7 was recalled. We finally have an answer for those questions. Continue reading “The recalled Bee and Puppycat recall mystery solved”
Five Ghosts Tube Comics and "big news" tomorrow
Time to start following Frank Barbiere, @atlasincognita, on Twitter. Today he released news that Black Mask Studios is launching a Youtube channel with motion comics, which will include Five Ghosts, but there is more.
Be sure to check out the Five Ghosts and other @blackmaskstudio tubecomics, and come back here for a big announcement tomorrow!
— Frank J. Barbiere (@atlasincognita) March 9, 2015
Continue reading “Five Ghosts Tube Comics and "big news" tomorrow”
Resident Alien from Dark Horse to be a TV show?
Dark Horse Comic Resident Alien seems to be moving towards a tv show. Continue reading “Resident Alien from Dark Horse to be a TV show?”
Mel's guide to selling Funko Pops
Updated 3/5/16:
What’s up CHU, Mel the Movie guy here. So I was reading the Pop Article and I’m going to give suggestions on how to flip Pops. Flipping pops is different than flipping comics, as most comics get hot the 1st week of release then fizzle out, but with pops once they get hot they pretty much keep that value. When I started buying pops last year I was just buying the characters I knew and wanted to see them on my mantel.
Continue reading “Mel's guide to selling Funko Pops”
Wednesdays Winner: Descender #1 Cover B
Some weeks books pop right away, those are the fun weeks when you can make quick trips to the shop and grab more copies of books to sell. Descender #1 B Cover is one of them.
Jeff Lemire’s new series started off with a bang, several variants popping right away and flying off the shelves and off eBay. Grab copies while you can for flipping, or hold until the movie comes out.
Wednesday Winners: Pussycats #0
Some weeks books pop right away, those are the fun weeks when you can make quick trips to the shop and grab more copies of books to sell. Pussycats #0 is one of those books.
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Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 3/9/15
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 3/9/15:
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Big Apple Con 2015 Review
Mel The Movie Guy visited and reviewed Mike Carbo’s Big Apple Con 2015
The Big Apple Comic Con is a New York City comic book convention, the longest-running comic book/science fiction/fantasy/horror/pop culture convention in New York City. It was started by retailer Michael “Mike Carbo” Carbonaro in March 1996 in the basement of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle. During its heyday from 2001–2008, the Big Apple Comic Con often featured multiple shows per year, with a large three-day “national” convention held in November, usually held at the Penn Plaza Pavilion. The show was owned by Wizard Entertainment from 2009 – 2013, but is now back in the hands of Carbonaro.
Continue reading “Big Apple Con 2015 Review”
Lucifer Casting news: Mazikeen cast
Deadline has reported that Mazikeen, Lucifer’s demon companion has been cast. Actress Lina Esco will be playing the character named Maze for the show.
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In case you missed it: Supergirl in costume
From DC Comics blog:
A first look at Melissa Benoist in Supergirl costume.
Continue reading “In case you missed it: Supergirl in costume”
Spider-Gwen #2 Sold out
Speaking of Spider-Gwen, we just mentioned the signed Gwen #1’s out there, but here is more Spider-Gwen news.
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Variant Envy: Chrononauts #1 Third Eye Variant
I have said I am off Millar, but this cover makes me laugh and will be picking one up.
Chronoauts, by Mark Millar and Sean Murphy is the story of two buddies who love to have fun. They’re also scientific geniuses. When their research leads them to a time-traveling adventure, will they use their knowledge for the good of all mankind? Or use the space-time continuum for their own ends? This is the story of man’s first, televised steps through the time-stream and everything going wrong in the process.
The Chrononauts #1 Third Eye Variant showcases the funniness of the two characters, check it out below: Continue reading “Variant Envy: Chrononauts #1 Third Eye Variant”
Robbi Rodriguez Signed Spider-Gwen #1
Yeah, Spider-Gwen has become a big thing. We have spotlighted a couple signed opportunities (not our own) for signed copies of Spider-Gwen. Here is another opportunity to get a copy signed by Robbi Rodriguez. Continue reading “Robbi Rodriguez Signed Spider-Gwen #1”
Bring Your Action Figure to Work Day 3/6/15
Thanks to our toy guy Tyson B. for this one.
Friday is Bring your action figure to work day and Entertainment Earth is celebrating with a contest.
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