Larime Taylor is a friend to this site. He pops in from time to time and comments here. He really is an all around great guy who puts out one of my favorite books, A Voice in the Dark. I have been linking up to Larime’s auctions to help him pay for his move. See, he lives in California and is trying to move to Las Vegas to be closer to family and the cost of living is cheaper. Here, i will let him tell it himself:
I’m disabled comic book creator Larime Taylor, and my disabled wife Sylv and I need to relocate to be closer to family to help with our care. We currently live in the inland desert of California and we’re trying to move to Las Vegas where my family lives. We’ve been living below the poverty line for 14 years now, and while my recently published comic book series is helping a bit, it’s an indie book and sales are low.
Cost of living in Vegas is MUCH cheaper, we’d have immediate family there to help us out with our daily needs, and as a caricature artist I’d have lots of new opportunities in a city full of events and conventions. We just need help getting there. I’m asking for your help in changing our lives and our future.
I was born with a birth defect called Arthrogryposis that leaves me with little use of my arms and legs. I’m in a wheelchair and draw with my mouth. I’ve been living on Social Security since January of 2000. In November of 2013, Top Cow started publishing my comic book series A VOICE IN THE DARK, which I write, draw, tone and letter by mouth. It’s been a critical hit and has a cult following, but it’s not making a lot of money yet. I also do caricatures and portraits by commission.
My wife Sylv is French Canadian, and her health crashed shortly after we got married, becoming house-bound in late 1999 and eventually bed-bound in 2011. She receives NO benefits and I get no extra benefits for her. I’ve been supporting her on what little I get, and as she cannot travel too far (getting her to Vegas will be a challenge as it is) going back to Canada for treatment has never been an option. Again, she has never received any benefits of any kind in the entire time we’ve been married.
She is a disabled artist herself, and paints the covers of my comic
You can donate to Larime’s moving fund at his gofundme fundraiser.