Sony Pictures are looking to expand their Marvel Comics Movies by expanding on their Spider-man via spin-offs. On Tap are The Sinister Six which first appeared in Amazing Spider-man Annual #1 and Venom which first appeared in Amazing Spider-man #300
. Continue reading “Sinister Six and Venom movies on the horizon”
Tag: comicsheatingup
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 12/13/13
A great tool to see what coming out is getting attention and could heat up is the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list. these are the books retailers are going back and upping their orders on. These could be beacuse of message board and blog chatter, people coming into the stores talking about them, Publisher incentives ( a lot of books get these now) or what ever. What ever the reason these are the books that retailers are going back to the well to get more copies of.
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 12/13/13”
Phantom First Fridays info from Larry Doherty
With so many comic book shop coalitions jumping on the exclusive band wagon, we decided it was time to move in a different direction.
We like to support our publishing partners and our creator friends but we also needed a new angle for the Phantom Shops.
We don’t just want to be a variant cover group. We want to provide more to the comic industry.
Phantom First Friday benefits the shops involved by offering the consumer a unique shopping experience.
Creators & publishers receive great shelf space & promotional efforts from energetic retailers.
In exchange for a 30 day window of exclusivity and an original cover with some “Phantom Only” content, our network of energetic, creator friendly retailers will be providing promotional support and premium shelf space for projects that we feel are truly special.
Phantom First Friday is December 20th where we will launch our first micro distribution book.
We’re giving people a reason to return to their comic shop for something exciting and special.
Our first project, Escape from Jesus Island, fell into our lap. A group of creators approached us to see if we would be interested in the book. they had a successful kickstarter going but that is not enough to sustain an ongoing series nor does it put the book into comic shops. Bottom line is that there are hundreds of kickstarter projects that look and sound wonderful but your average comic shop can’t afford to invest in everyone of them, with a promise of it arriving sometime in the next year, but having to pay for it now. The Phantom will be looking for more of those outstanding properties to offer our support to. Along with our support we are also assisting creators by shopping to major publishers for them.
Once they see how it all works out for the Phantom Shops publishers just may be eager to look at a property that already has world-wide buzz thanks to the Phantom.
We help create the buzz and provide the creators the numbers they need to make their kick-starter project feasible. Our volume brings down their print run cost, allowing them make a profit coming out of the gate.
With luck, the best properties will then be picked up by a major publisher.
Phantom First Friday starts on December 20th with Escape From Jesus island. Any creators going to press from kickstarter, that are interested should send a full PDF to Ralph DiBernardo and Larry Doherty
‘Escape from Jesus Island’ Kickstarter and Phantom First Edition
We had talked a while back about Kickstarter books and how they are the wave of the future. One book on my radar was ‘Escape from Jesus Island.’ It is a horror story in the vein of Reanimator meets Punk Rock Jesus. Basically a group of scientists attempt to clone Jesus, and succeed, however, in the process the make scores of mistakes. Of course, the Vatican wants the clone and sends in soldiers to get him, and mayhem ensues. Continue reading “‘Escape from Jesus Island’ Kickstarter and Phantom First Edition”
SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for December 11 2013 Release Week
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
Support new comics !
This column is here to help promote brand new comic book series.
This weekly article shows how popular the titles are and how close they are to selling out at Diamond.
This will give retailers and collectors a heads up with a reminder of books you want to make sure you get immediately!!
Sometimes books don’t sell out immediately so its worth taking a look back at series that came out in the past few months!
Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for December 11 2013 Release Week” Hot new comics for 12/11/13
Each week Terry Hoknes of spotlights new releases comics, here are this weeks.
Continue reading “ Hot new comics for 12/11/13”
Dark Horse’s ‘The Fifth Beatle Heads’ to the Silver Screen
Thanks to Terry Hoknes at for this story.
It was announced today that Peyton Reed (Bring It On
, The Break-Up ) has signed on to direct ‘The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story’
, the film adaptation of the recently released New York Times best-selling graphic novel (JUL130016V, $19.99) chronicling the final years of The Beatles’ founder and manager, Brian Epstein. The film is being produced by Academy Award winning producer, Bruce Cohen (American Beauty, Silver Linings Playbook) and Tony Award winning producer, Vivek J. Tiwary (“A Raisin in the Sun,” Green Day’s ‘American Idiot’
) who authored the graphic novel. This marks the first ever feature film about The Beatles to secure music rights to their songs granting unprecedented access to the Lennon/McCartney music catalog. The screenplay is written by Tiwary, the project is slated to begin production in 2014 and the casting of the Brian Epstein role will begin now that Reed is on board.
‘The Fifth Beatle’ recounts the untold true story of Epstein, the brilliant visionary who discovered The Beatles and helped guide the band to international stardom as their manager, securing their first record deal at a time when no one else was interested, and successfully bringing them to the world stage with a scale and scope no music impresario had ever attempted. Epstein’s boast—“The Beatles will be bigger than Elvis!”— seemed absurd in 1961, but proved humbly prophetic by 1967. When he died at the age of 32, he was an extremely successful artist manager and entertainment impresario, but a painfully lonely young man
“From the moment I read Vivek’s graphic novel, I knew I wanted to be the person to bring Brian’s story to the big screen,” explains Reed. “I’m a lifelong Beatles fan, obviously, but it’s Brian’s fascinating life that really blew me away and drew me to this project. He’s the ultimate outsider who, against all odds, became the ultimate insider. He was responsible for shepherding the most popular artistic expression of “love” in the history of modern culture, and yet he wasn’t allowed to express his own love during that time.”
Tiwary and Cohen added, “Peyton’s films are incredibly fun and entertaining, while still underscoring a serious empathy for the struggle for accomplishment, belonging, and the need to love and be loved… In brief, Peyton is simply the perfect director to take the Brian Epstein story to the big screen. We’re honored and excited to be working with him!”
The graphic novel comes in several formats, the regular edition for $17.99, The Collectors Edition for $44.99, or the Limited Edition for $89.99 at Things from Another World or the regular edition for $17.39, The Collectors Edition for $35.81, and the Limited Edition for $63.81 on Amazon
Comics Heating Up Reader eBay section
So the Black Friday key word sale was pretty successful. Eighty-Eight Auctions have closed out so far with a sale that contained CHU Black Friday. So to keep the spirit alive, I wanted to gauge interest in featuring user ebay auctions on the side bar and on a page of it’s own.
If you look to the side bar way over there —-> you will see a section that features reader auctions that used the key word CHU Black Friday in it (on the main page). Continue reading “Comics Heating Up Reader eBay section”
Comics Pick of the Week for 12/11/13
Each week tons of new books hit the shelves. Each one has the potential to go up in value, I mean you never know what could be picked up for a movie or a tv show with the current run of announcements. Each week we provide several different looks at what people are speculating as being the next hot book, here is ours.
Continue reading “Comics Pick of the Week for 12/11/13”
A Look ahead to Wednesday 12/11/13
We got an early start on things last week with The Other Dead look ahead, and Larry’s Comics Pick of the week for 12/11/13 as this is going to be a pretty kick-ass week. Continue reading “A Look ahead to Wednesday 12/11/13”
Diamond Comics Advanced reorder List 12/6/13
Most weeks the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list is an awesome tool to see what is heating up in the near future. Its the list of books that retailers have re-ordered before the final order cut off. For what ever reason, customers talking about books, sold out first issues, hot story lines, blog and news stories, these are the books they need to get more of. Here is this weeks. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced reorder List 12/6/13”
Spec That! Episode 1, Furry Things
The first episode of a new comic book speculation video blog featuring older books.
Bryan Singer Tweets X-Men Apocalypse announcement
“X-Men” Director Bryan Singer announced over twitter that a new X-Men Movie titled “X-Men Apocalypse” would be coming out in 2016.
Continue reading “Bryan Singer Tweets X-Men Apocalypse announcement”
SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for December 4 2013 Release Week
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
Support new comics !
This column is here to help promote brand new comic book series.
This weekly article shows how popular the titles are and how close they are to selling out at Diamond.
This will give retailers and collectors a heads up with a reminder of books you want to make sure you get immediately!!
Sometimes books don’t sell out immediately so its worth taking a look back at series that came out in the past few months !
Comics can sell out very quickly so some titles on this list will be more valuable instantly the day of release !
Keep in mind that with 1500 comic stores if even just 20% of stores re-ordered just 1 copy each that would be 300 more copies sold instantly! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for December 4 2013 Release Week”
Top 150 Hottest Comic Titles and recent Back Issues during LATE NOVEMBER 2013
Bi-weekly column and list compiled by comics historian Terry Hoknes of –
This list is updated every 2 weeks. This list is compiled from my non-stop research of the current market. I believe these were the most demand and growing in value books this month. This list focuses on all regular edition covers. (Variants are not listed otherwise they would likely dominate the entire list due to instant high prices and calculated small print runs). If you think I have missed any hot titles/issues of the last 5 years please let me know. Here are my picks of what I believe are the hottest comics at this very moment from all sold releases of the last few years online based on back issue sales ABOVE cover price. Continue reading “Top 150 Hottest Comic Titles and recent Back Issues during LATE NOVEMBER 2013”
From our friend Dakoit at
Continue reading “THE DAKOIT SPECULATION HIT LIST (December 4th 2013)!”
A look ahead to next Wednesday, 10/11/13: The Other Dead #4
Next week has some really good books coming out. one makes my speculator ears perk up. Continue reading “A look ahead to next Wednesday, 10/11/13: The Other Dead #4”
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 12/4/13
Each week Terry Hoknes from releases a video spotlighting hot new comics. Here is this weeks. Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 12/4/13”
Comics Picks of the Week 12/4/13
Well, another Wednesday is almost upon us and that means new comics. Each week tons of new books come out, each week we look through them and give our picks on what could heat up. Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week 12/4/13”
Dead Body Road #1 Signed by Justin Jordan preorder
Image comics is releasing Justin Jordan’s “love letter to Westerns” ‘Dead Body Road’ this month.
Continue reading “Dead Body Road #1 Signed by Justin Jordan preorder”
Cryptozoic Man #1 a comic heating up
This is one of those “I told you so” moments. We mentioned Cryptozic Man #1 back in October in our 10/19/13 pick of the week. Larry of Larry’s Comics had it as his pick of the week for that week as well, in fact he predicted what would happen. Continue reading “Cryptozoic Man #1 a comic heating up”
Larry’s Comics Pick of the Week 11/4/13
From Larry Doherty of Larry’s comics pick of the week. We always appreciate when Larry takes the time to stop by and give a heads up on spec worthy books.
Continue reading “Larry’s Comics Pick of the Week 11/4/13”
First teaser for ‘The Strain’ airs on ‘Walking Dead’
Did you watch the Walking Dead Sunday night? Man it was intense, which is good considering how slow the past couple of episodes have been, but they led up to the war with the Governor.
Something else happened as well
Continue reading “First teaser for ‘The Strain’ airs on ‘Walking Dead’”
Cyber Monday Comic Deal: Buy one get two free
The comic book cyber Monday deal continues. Here is one for buy one get two free on variants:
Continue reading “Cyber Monday Comic Deal: Buy one get two free”
Cyber Monday Deal: Buy one get one variants
I love free and cheap comics. Here is a Cyber-Monday deal I jumped on. Continue reading “Cyber Monday Deal: Buy one get one variants”