And for the third of three stories on recent Image sell outs, this has the biggest print run. We also just reported Rat Queens and Zero, both from Image have sold out. The print run follows the bump.
Continue reading “Sex Criminals #1 From Matt Fraction sells out”
Author: Anthony
Rat Queens #1 from Image sells out
Kurtis Wiebes newest book Rat Queens is a sell out and will be heading back for a second printing. The print run for the book was Continue reading “Rat Queens #1 from Image sells out”
Zero #1 from Image sells out. Going to 2nd print
Print run after the bump.
Continue reading “Zero #1 from Image sells out. Going to 2nd print”
Constantine coming to NBC
With Arrow, Smallville, a Flash show on the way, as well as a Gotham Gordon show coming out, people are looking to jump on the DC comics band wagon. Constantine may be coming from NBC
Walking Dead #115 NYCC variant for $2.99 (available for pre-order again)
A few weeks ago we spotlighted this deal, as this is a money maker, as copies have been selling for $30. You can get The Walking Dead #115 NYCC Variant for $2.99. It’s limited 1 per person. Continue reading “Walking Dead #115 NYCC variant for $2.99 (available for pre-order again)”
Joker’s Daughter Creator Bob Rozakis speaks about Duela Dent
Regular commenter UKpondside tracked down Batman Family writer and Joker’s Daughter creator Bob Rozakis and spoke to him about his creation Joker’s Daughter.
Furthermore, according to Ukpondside, he is willing to answer question on the character.
Continue reading “Joker’s Daughter Creator Bob Rozakis speaks about Duela Dent”
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 8/26/13
The Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list is a peek into what is hot or heating up. It is based on what retailers are upping their orders on before final order cut off. This is where books sell out. These last orders can be a follow up to a hot first issue, increased demand on an ongoing series, or based off internet chatter on blogs and message boards.
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 8/26/13”
That Joker’s Daughter in the microwave video. In case you missed it.
Rich Johnston of Bleedingcool nukes a 3d copy of Joker’s Daughter. One less on the market to compete with.
Suicide 5 gets more press
Within the last few weeks, I ran an interview I did with Jason Pell on his Kickstarter project ‘Suicide 5’. I loved the concept of the book and was very interested in funding it to get the book off the ground. The original interview can be seen here.
Continue reading “Suicide 5 gets more press”
Ghost Projekt #1 (Oni Press) super hot
From Terry Hoknes at
One week after announcement of a potential new TV series, Ghost Projekt, back issues have jumped way up online
Sales of #1 so far have hit up to $32.99 for the $3.99 comic from 3 years ago
Continue reading “Ghost Projekt #1 (Oni Press) super hot”
From Terry Hoknes at, Terry spotlights one of my favorite horror series, Haunted Horror From IDW. This book has flown under the radar and has shot up in price since the release of the first issue, Haunted Horror #1 available on Amazon, the rest of the series is available on and and
Wednesday open forum DC 3d covers week 4
Hey everyone, the open forum question has been a hit over the last week so I wanted to do it again. Continue reading “Wednesday open forum DC 3d covers week 4”
Hot new and sold out comics report from Hoknes Comics
2013 New Comics Sept 25 Farlaine The Goblin Rat Queens Sex Criminals Super Other Dead Powerpuff Girl
Each week Terry Hoknes of puts out a video spotlighting hot new comics and sold out books for the week.
Rat Queens signing Saturday 9/28/13.
We picked Rat Queens #1 as one of the picks of the week this week. Partially because it is a Kurtis J. Wiebe book and partially because from the preview I have seen it looks pretty wicked.
Continue reading “Rat Queens signing Saturday 9/28/13.”
Letter 44 by Charles Soule and Oni Press
There is a strong under current for Letter 44 from Oni Press which comes out in October. There has been a lot of message board chatter on the book since the SDCC preview came out. The price for that book has continued to stay high. Continue reading “Letter 44 by Charles Soule and Oni Press”
Comic Book picks of the week for 9/25/13
This is a big week for books. One of the year’s biggest and most anticipated books drops this week. That book, of course, is the 3d cover featuring Joker’s Daughter. The character that first appeared in Batman Family #6 or Catwoman #23 depending on who is under that mask. Needless to say get a 3d copy and flip it. Get a 2d copy and read it. Or get which ever and do what ever with it. It is going to be big and has already been going for crazy money. But besides Joker’s darling daughter, there are a bunch of other books you shouldn’t miss out on cause they look like the could heat up.
Continue reading “Comic Book picks of the week for 9/25/13”
Ghost Projekt by Joe Harris picked up for tv Show
Another Oni press book has gotten the TV treatment, this time it is Joe Harris’ Ghost Projekt.
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A look ahead to next Wednesday 9/25/13
Last week of the DC 3d Villains covers, and this is supposed to be the most allocated. The big one is obviously Joker’s Daughter. It has pre-sold for as much as $100+. Get them and flip them. Do not hold on. Buy back later when they are cheaper. Here is what else to look forward to next Wednesday that may fly under the radar. Continue reading “A look ahead to next Wednesday 9/25/13”
Mythopolis #1 print run
Not sure if you were able to snag a copy of Mythopolis #1 from Ardden when it hit comic shops recently. It is a solid book with good art and story. It has a twist last page that made me excited for the next issue.
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 9/19/13
Now 100% DC Villains Month free, coming to you live in 2d.
Well it has been fun buying and flipping the 3d covers. It has not been so much fun to write about them on the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list for 6 weeks.
This weeks sees new titles which look good.
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 9/19/13”
Image Comics Announces Ghosted #3 sold out
Thanks to Terry Hoknes at for the forward.
Image’s Ghosted Pulls Hat Trick with Third Straight Sell-Out
Continue reading “Image Comics Announces Ghosted #3 sold out”
Joker’s Daughter 2d cover sold out at Diamond maybe
Yeah, we know this is the one everyone is waiting for. The 3d cover for Jokers Daughter. Well, you might want to pick up the standard cover as well.
Continue reading “Joker’s Daughter 2d cover sold out at Diamond maybe”
Hot new and sold out comics report from Hoknes Comics
Each week Terry Hoknes of puts out a video spotlighting hot new comics and sold out books for the week.
DC Comics Villains Month 3d Covers week 4 available for pre-order
Well week three are in the can. I have looked at some of the auctions for this weeks books and they are selling for around double cover. Not bad if you can double your money in a day. Week four is just seven short days away. Here are the week 4 3d covers I have found still available for pre-order at 20% off. These won’t last as the others have not.
Continue reading “DC Comics Villains Month 3d Covers week 4 available for pre-order”
DC Villains Month Open Forum
Not really a story here. I wanted to see what everyone’s experience has been with buying the 3d DC covers. I have been getting mine from one store at cover and have gotten and subsequently sold the books. Have you seen price gouging? Don’t be afraid to name names. Have you seem sell outs. Have you been lucky and gotten them? Just curious what everyone’s experience has been.