The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 5/23/16:
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 5/23/16”
Tag: Comics heating up
Walmart Comic Bag Unbagging
I picked up some Walmart Comic Bags yesterday. These are the $5 bags that contain mostly copper age comics, but all Marvel Comics. I unbagged them the last night. Check out the video. Continue reading “Walmart Comic Bag Unbagging”
By The Numbers: April's Comic Sales Numbers
Two things generate increased value, supply and demand. Demand, we can only guess at, but we do not find out the supply until the next month. Here is a peek at the estimated print run numbers for April 2016.
(All print runs are estimated based on the number of copies ordered through Diamond, the best estimate that anyone can get.) Continue reading “By The Numbers: April's Comic Sales Numbers”
Titan Comics’ debut issue of Penny Dreadful – the official prequel comic set in the eldritch world of the award-winning Showtime TV series created by John Logan – has sold out at distributor level.
Alana's Weekend Spec: Thor Ragnarok and Dr. Strange Edition
Thanks to Alana for this. She has been dropping back issue pickups on is for a while now that blow us away. She is always scouring the Internet for awesome back issues.
This weekend specs will be short and sweet. A little Thor, a little Dr. strange, and a already discussed X-men spec. Also we won’t leave DC out this week as I have one good spec with DC tv and movie implications. So get those eyes and fingers ready for some back issue bin searching this weekend and let’s jump in. Continue reading “Alana's Weekend Spec: Thor Ragnarok and Dr. Strange Edition”
Lootcrate May 2016 Unboxing
Joe and I sit down and unbox the May 2016 Power themed Lootcrate. Just got it in the mail today. The third of three subscription boxes we got in this month. Check it out:
Continue reading “Lootcrate May 2016 Unboxing”
We Stand on Guard In Development?
Thanks to Charles over at Sequitur and Emibeg for sending this over.
Brian K. Vaughn was speaking with The Comic Books in reference to the comic We Stand on Guard. During the conversation, he drops hints that We Stand on Guard
could be developed in to a media property. Continue reading “We Stand on Guard In Development?”
May 2016 Smuggler's Bounty – Bounty Hunter- Unboxing Video
I got an extra subscription box in this month. A Smuggler’s Bounty, which I normally do not get, but because of the hints that were dropped about it, I could not pass this one up. Continue reading “May 2016 Smuggler's Bounty – Bounty Hunter- Unboxing Video”
Blade, Moon Knight, and Ghost Rider coming to Netflix?
Thanks to Emiliano B for the heads up.
Looks like some of Marvel’s Supernatural heroes Blade, Moon Knight, and Ghost Rider could be coming to Netflix.
Continue reading “Blade, Moon Knight, and Ghost Rider coming to Netflix?”
Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List For 5/16/16
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 5/16/16:
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List For 5/16/16”
Superman Wonder Woman #29 Spoilers
No Keenan Kong, the Chinese Superman this issue. However the mystery of the Flaming Superman is revealed. Check it out:
Continue reading “Superman Wonder Woman #29 Spoilers”
The Anatomy of a J Scott Campbell Variant
Here is something cool. It is an inside look at part of the art process of a J. Scott Campbell Variant. Here is the preliminary art, the inked art, the inked art with trade dress, and the final color version. This one is for Spider-Gwen #9
Continue reading “The Anatomy of a J Scott Campbell Variant”
Free Comic Wednesday: Mega Con Orlando Prize Pack
MegaCon Orlando will be May 26-29, but you do not have to attend the show to get all the exclusive variants from it. We are giving them away here! This is the one you want to enter and win. You will get six sweet variants straight from the show. Check it out.
Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday: Mega Con Orlando Prize Pack”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 84th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
Hoknes Comics New Comic Showcase for 5/18/16
Each week Terry Hoknes from and released a video showcasing the weeks hot new series. Here is this weeks.
Continue reading “Hoknes Comics New Comic Showcase for 5/18/16”
Mel V.'s Variant Picks of the Week for 5/18/16
What Up CHU Mel v here with another edition of Variants of the week …Very Light week this week which is a very good thing for my pockets. Hunting Variants is starting to get expensive.
Lets get into it Continue reading “Mel V.'s Variant Picks of the Week for 5/18/16”
Agent Poyo's Picks of the Week for May 18, 2016
Another glorious week for new comic Wednesday, the best day every week. It’s when you slack off at work, spend most of your time tuned into CHU to nerd talk with all those other people who share your passion of comic books and selling comic books.
So let’s get on with it shall we? Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the Week for May 18, 2016”
Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 5/18/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 5/18/16:
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 5/18/16”
Cheap Spec: Demonic #1 Pilot Season
Whenever Robert Kirman’s Skybound Entertainment releases a new book, you should take notice. Two of his titles, Walking Dead and Outcast, have already been turned into TV shows. But here is one to hot the dollar bins for: Demonic #1 Pilot Season Continue reading “Cheap Spec: Demonic #1 Pilot Season”
X-Men Apocalypse After Credit Scene Revealed: The Wolverine 80 Vial, X-23, and Sinister
Our own Alana mentioned Wolverine #80 this past weekend in her Weekend Spec’s. She also couldn’t mention why it would be so important but would play a part in X-Men Age of Apocalypse. Now the info she held back has come to light as the After Credit Scene has leaked. Continue reading “X-Men Apocalypse After Credit Scene Revealed: The Wolverine 80 Vial, X-23, and Sinister”
Henchgirl Ashcan? Predates Henchgirl #1 By Scout
So I received an email asking the question, What is this book? It is a copy of Henchgirl #1 Signed by Kristen Gudsnuk with a Heroes Your Mom Threw Away logo on the lower right. I hadn’t seen it before, but assumed it may be a second printing store variant. I was wrong. Continue reading “Henchgirl Ashcan? Predates Henchgirl #1 By Scout”
Chinese Super-man to be joined by Chinese Batman and Chinese Wonder Woman
Looks like Keenan Kong, the Super-man of China will not be the only Chinese version of a DC super hero. He will be joined by a Batman and Wonder Woman of China. There is also more hints that the Batman Superman #32 escaping character is not the Chinese Superman Continue reading “Chinese Super-man to be joined by Chinese Batman and Chinese Wonder Woman”
Houdini Variants, the Bastard Sons of Under Ordered Books #2
What Up CHU, Mel V back again with the 2nd edition of Houdini Variants, The 1st edition went very well and I would like to personally thank you…the readers for reading and commenting and requesting more. This month we have some stellar looking variants. It will take some serious hunting to get a hold of these…Let’s get started Continue reading “Houdini Variants, the Bastard Sons of Under Ordered Books #2”
Alana's Weekend Spec: Suicide Squad and X-Men Age of Apocalypse
Hey fellow CHU’ers back once again with some back issue goodness for your weekend hunting. This week as promised a complete Suicide Squad Key checklist pertaining to the upcoming movie, also I’ll take a little time to discuss the different theories of who or what the villain for Suicide Squad will be. Not to leave Marvel out this week, I’m going to write up a few interesting specs dealing with X-Men AOA that will be spoilers!!! Don’t read past the Suicide Squad report to stay spoiler free, So let’s jump in.
Continue reading “Alana's Weekend Spec: Suicide Squad and X-Men Age of Apocalypse”
Spread Convention Exclusives Available from Kyle Strahm
I showed off some of the rare Spread variants in the Spread Cover Gallery for no other reason than I love this book. Kyle Strahm has made available several of the exclusives, invluding the convention only “Fat Jack” action figure variant. Check them out. Continue reading “Spread Convention Exclusives Available from Kyle Strahm”