This is the kind of speculation I like. Early. Pre-mature speculation. Get in early and cheap so if it hits you are poised to capitalize. It was announced the other day that Sy Fy would be doing a tv show Krypton featuring Superman’s grandfather. But which one. Here is some low down on the books that could be of interest. Thanks to Topher S. and Unlikely for the tips. Continue reading “More Krypton Spec”
Tag: comic book speculation
Kingsman: The Secret Service trailer runs on SoA finale
An extended trailer for Mark Millar’s Kingsman:The Secret Service, based on the comic Secret Service aired on the series finale of Sons of Anarchy. Continue reading “Kingsman: The Secret Service trailer runs on SoA finale”
Third Eye Spotlight 12 for delivery 12/10/14
Each week Steve from Third Eye Comics puts out a video spotlighting the cool new releases of the week. Here is this weeks, for comics delivering 12/10/14: Continue reading “Third Eye Spotlight 12 for delivery 12/10/14”
Bleeding Cool Spec on Secret War #2 / Marvel Agents of SHIELD
Bleeding Cool ran an interesting spec piece on
Continue reading “Bleeding Cool Spec on Secret War #2 / Marvel Agents of SHIELD”
Agent Poyo's Walking Dead Contest
Our friend (and frequent commentator) Agent Poyo recently sent me a couple of Walking Dead issues to give away. (He is just that kind of guy.) So here we go with another free comic give away. Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Walking Dead Contest”
Early Krypton Spec
Thanks to Topher Seal for this one.
I mentioned yesterday that SCY FY was working to bring Krypton to TV. Topher provided some spec to go along with it. Continue reading “Early Krypton Spec”
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for Release 12/10/14
Each week, Terry Hoknes of, releases a video spotlighting the weeks hot new comics,
Here is this weeks for delivery 12/10/14:
Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for Release 12/10/14”
Comics picks of the week for delivery 12/10/14
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some of the comics live up to their potential more than others. We pcik the ones we think have the best shot of heating up. Continue reading “Comics picks of the week for delivery 12/10/14”
Krypton in works for Syfy channel
More Superman/DC related tv News, Superman’s home planet being developed for SYFY Yv show, focusing on Kal El’s grandfather. Continue reading “Krypton in works for Syfy channel”
SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for December 10 2014
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
This article is immensely useful in determining what retailers have under ordered and what is going to sell out fast.
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond ! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for December 10 2014”
Comicxposure variants contest winners
Thanks to everyone who signed up for the Variant give away. Trying to continue the giveaways between now and Christmas, as everyone loves free comics. Here are the winners. Continue reading “Comicxposure variants contest winners”
Over the Garden Wall Preview
According to Bleedingcool, there was a promo to the Over the Garden Wall special #1 Continue reading “Over the Garden Wall Preview”
Krysten Ritter cast as Jessica Jones in Marvel Netflix show
Actress Krysten Ritter, from ‘Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23 is said to have been cast in the title role in the Marvel/Netflix show Jessica Jones. Continue reading “Krysten Ritter cast as Jessica Jones in Marvel Netflix show”
KGBeast and Doomsday to potentially appear in Batman Vs. Superman
Comics Alliance reported the Batman villain The KGBeast will appear in the Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice Movie. Continue reading “KGBeast and Doomsday to potentially appear in Batman Vs. Superman” Variant give away
I love the guys at They put out the rad NYCC Enormous #4 Variants. They put out the awesome Amazing Spiderman #9 variants (we gave those away too.) And they have some really cool variants coming out. Check out the ones we are giving away. Continue reading “ Variant give away”
AMC Orders Preacher Pilot
Deadline, as well as several other sites, are reporting that AMC has ordered a pilot for Preacher. Continue reading “AMC Orders Preacher Pilot”
Third Eye Spotlight #11
Each week, Steve from releases a video spotlighting the cool new releases. Here is this weeks for delivery 12/3/14:
Continue reading “Third Eye Spotlight #11”
Tooth and Claw to change it's name
Looks like there was a bit of confusion with the comic name Tooth and Claw which is causing the name of the book to change. Continue reading “Tooth and Claw to change it's name”
Over the Garden Wall: A Comic Heating Up
Here is one for you that you can possibly grab off the shelf and flip, a book that just came out a few weeks ago.
Continue reading “Over the Garden Wall: A Comic Heating Up”
Suicide Squad cast!
Holy Crap. Variety has reported the Suicide Squad Movie has cast and it is a doozie. Continue reading “Suicide Squad cast!”
SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for December 3 2014
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
This article is immensely useful in determining what retailers have under ordered and what is going to sell out fast.
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond ! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for December 3 2014”
Comics Picks of the week for delivery 12/3/14
Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best chance of heating up. Here are out picks of the week:
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for delivery 12/3/14”
A look ahead to January and February new titles
We are always looking ahead to new series coming out in the upcoming months. Here are a few (of the many) new books coming out in January and February worth keeping an eye out for: Continue reading “A look ahead to January and February new titles”
Walking Dead Mystery box print run
Kudos to Skybound for doing something different as a publisher and putting out a mystery box this year for the Thanksgiving (Black Friday and Cyber-Monday) weekend. Mystery boxes are nothing new as many companies, such as Loot Crate, have been doing them for a while, but this is the first time I have seen a publisher do one. Continue reading “Walking Dead Mystery box print run”
Image with three new sold out books leading into Wednesday
I always enjoy looking at the books coming out each week that are sold out or near sold out. This week, Image three new books coming out that have already sold out before the books are even on the shelf. Continue reading “Image with three new sold out books leading into Wednesday”