Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 33

Greetings my Comics Heating Up and Awesomesauce families. Thank you all for reading this each and every week. Thank you for the love, support, encouragement, advice, and for listening to my podcast. Now lets make some money on some comics cause you can’t teach that
Continue reading “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 33”

Animosity #1 Going to Fifth Printing

Here is an interesting one. Back in early October, I stopped by the Aftershock booth at NYCC. They had copies of Animosity #1 4th Printing on the table. The thing is, Diamond never released these to stores, and the convention was essentially the only place to get them. I talked to Joe Pruett who said he had no idea why Diamond never listed them but they had them ready to go. Now it has been announced that Animosity #1 was getting a fifth printing, with a new cover.  Continue reading “Animosity #1 Going to Fifth Printing”

Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 109th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel V.'s Variant Picks of the Week for 11/9/16

What Up CHU Mel v back with another edition of “Variants of the Week”. The JCS Ironheart variant comes out tomorrow but I didn’t add that to my list because I was on the fence about it, but if you want it, they can still be had on Midtown Comics site and there will be plenty of them for years to come. I have some great looking variants that are coming tomorrow so, lets get into the getting into. Continue reading “Mel V.'s Variant Picks of the Week for 11/9/16”

Poyo's Picks of the Week for November 9th, 2016

It’s election night here in America, where Americans will pick their next leader, so we can start the election campaign cycle all over again almost immediately after it’s over. So instead of tuning into that political mud flinging arena, let’s talk comics, cause tomorrow is, new comic book Wednesday, something better to celebrate.
So let’s get on with the picks, my picks, sometimes dead on.. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the Week for November 9th, 2016”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/9/16

Each week hundreds of new books hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 11/9/16 Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/9/16”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 11/7/16

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 11/7/16: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 11/7/16”

Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 32

Greetings to my Comics Heating Up & Awesomesauce families. As always, I would like to say thank you. Thank you all for reading this each and every week. Thank you for the overwhelming response to the Marvel Tales #137 offer I made two weeks ago. If anyone needs anything, or has any suggestions on how I can make hidden gems better, please email me at I want to say Action Comics #966 was awesome. Flash #9 was the best comic from DC in six years and I am loving Wally West. The Supergirl TV show is just improving each and every week. Now that is out of the way; thank you all for the support, friendship, encouragement, and advice. Now, lets make money on some comics cause you can’t teach
that. Continue reading “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 32”

Hoknes Comics New Comic Showcase for 11/2/16

Each week Terry Hoknes of releases a video showcasing the week’s hot new comics. Here is this week’s for delivery 11/2/16
New comic book series debuting on NOV 2 2016
Continue reading “Hoknes Comics New Comic Showcase for 11/2/16”

Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 108th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 11/2/16

What Up CHU? Mel V back with my variants picks of the week. Man there are some slim pickings this week. Thanks to my man Tony for putting me on to the Death of X homage covers, check out his write up on the main page. Like I said, not much this week so I had to go with one regular cover because it’s that damn awesome. So, lets get in to the getting in to. Continue reading “Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 11/2/16”

Poyo's Picks for November 2nd, 2016

Another Wednesday is upon us, like Christmas every week, even if it’s a smaller week, Wednesday is by far the best day.
This week brings more exciting books, so keep reading to find out what Poyo says you should be picking up to read, or flip. I am right sometimes too….
Continue reading “Poyo's Picks for November 2nd, 2016”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/2/16

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 11/2/16: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/2/16”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 10/31/16

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 10/31/16: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 10/31/16”

Blind Adam’s Hidden Gems Vol. 31

Blind Adam is a New York/New Jersey based comic book seller who puts out a fun list of comics each week. Yes, he is blind (90%).
Greetings to my Comics Heating Up and Awesomesauce families. Thank you to everyone that reads this each and ever week. Thank you to everyone that listens to my awesomesauce podcast on Youtube. Thank you for helping me make my dreams come true. Continue reading “Blind Adam’s Hidden Gems Vol. 31”

Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 107th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel V.'s Variant Picks of the Week for 10/26/16

What Up CHU? Mel V back with Variant Picks of the Week. I have been battling a slight illness, but I’m getting better and nothing will stop me from providing Variant picks to the world. So Lets Get into the getting into…. Continue reading “Mel V.'s Variant Picks of the Week for 10/26/16”

Poyo's Picks for October 26, 2016

Poyo Goals:
Met Jock. Check.
Met Francesco Francavilla. Check.
If you haven’t already, read my article on Mondo Con, it was a blast, especially the Art of Jock panel. I didn’t get a chance to go to all the panels but that was the primary one I wanted to see.
With that said, on with the picks of the week. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks for October 26, 2016”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/26/16

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 10/26/16:
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/26/16”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 10/24/16

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 10/24/16: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 10/24/16”

Variant Envy: TMNT #68 Rhode Island Comic Con Variant

My friend Mike over at More Great Art shared with me the variant for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #68 Rhode Island Comic Con. The cover by Kevin Eastman will be available at RICC November 11-13th. Continue reading “Variant Envy: TMNT #68 Rhode Island Comic Con Variant”

Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 106th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 10/19/16

What Up Chu? Mel V. here with the variants of the week… Shush… has it been a week already. Kind of a quiet week for variants, however, the show must go on. SO LETS GET INTO THE GETTIN INTO Continue reading “Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 10/19/16”

Poyo's Picks of the Week for October 19, 2016

MondoCon is coming up here in Central Texas, if you’re going, holler in the comments section, I should be there either Saturday or Sunday. Jock and Francavilla are both going to be there, amongst some other comic creators and artists, movies, music, toys and food. So it’s more than just comics, I’m looking forward to the event and hopefully sharing stuff with the masses. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the Week for October 19, 2016”

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