Enormous #6 Comicxposure variant giveaway

Comicxposure has sent us two big books to give away. The other one, Wytches #4 is also available in another post.
Up for grabs Enormous #6 Comicxposure variant.

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Morena Baccarin testing for Deadpool role

Deadline is reporting that Morena Baccarin (Homeland) along with several other actresses are testing for the lead female roll opposite Ryan Reynolds in the Deadpool Movie due out in 2016.
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Thanks to Patrick H. for this in depth look at the Infinity War Movie spec:
THANOS: I have included most of Thanos’s early appearances and specific issues dealing with the Thanos War, Final Threat, and Infinity Gauntlet.
Continue reading “INFINITY WAR MOVIE SPEC”

Marvel's "forceful" announcement

So, we were way off on the “forceful” announcement being Star Wars related. The obvious connection was there, force and Star Wars. Instead, (and really should have seen this coming as it aired on the female-centric The View), Marvel announced the all female character book A-Force.

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Midtown Comics hosting Spider-Gwen signing

Are you going to be in New York on Feb 26th? Signing opportunity for one of the hottest new books in a while.
Fan-favorite writer/artist, Jason Latour will be at Midtown Comics Downtown on Thursday, February 26th for a signing of Spider-Gwen #1!
Continue reading “Midtown Comics hosting Spider-Gwen signing”

Post Convergence: New and Ongoing Series

From CBR, here is your full list of titles Post-Convergence. Unsure if there will be a renumbering, at least for books like Batman I hope not. Continue reading “Post Convergence: New and Ongoing Series”

DC comics ending the New 52

Thanks to Tyson B. for this one.
Here we go again, the New 52 Universe, which replaced the long standing DC Universe, is ending and will be replaced by a new Post-Convergence Universe come June.

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Daredevil Teaser Trailer, in case you missed it.

Netflix has released a teaser trailer for the upcoming Daredevil show. It looks awesome. They are are saying he will eventually end up in the red costume. In the meantime he is in a black outfit that is reminiscent of his first appearance on the incredible Hulk tv series.
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Officer Downe Gets Financing

Looks like the live action version of the comic book Officer Downe is getting closer to realization. The Hollywood Reporter has reported that Life Out Loud Films is financing the picture.officerdowne_01_cover Continue reading “Officer Downe Gets Financing”

Ant-Man and Age of Ultron Toy preview

Thanks to Tyson for this one.
Looks like we don’t have to wait until the Ant-Man movie comes out in July to get a good look at his suit. Diamond Select Toys has released images of their Ant-man action figure and it looks much like you would expect. They are suggested to retail for $23.99 but don’t rush out to your LCS just yet. You’re going to have to wait until the movie releases before you can physically get your hands on one. Of course they are currently up for pre-order on several sites. Continue reading “Ant-Man and Age of Ultron Toy preview”

The Paladin #1 Signed Comic giveaway winner

Sorry for the delay in picking a winner, I have been shipping a lot of Enormous variant sets and print sets. It is time to announce the winner of the signed comic. IMG_0330 Continue reading “The Paladin #1 Signed Comic giveaway winner”


By now, you may have seen the following press release from Marvel that they are going on the view to make a forceful announcement. Tomorrow Marvel will be on the View to talk something up. But what could that be.


Prices Trending up on Spider-Gwen #1 Phantom Variant

Wow, so many copies of Spider-Gwen Color Phantoms have sold in the past two days it is amazing. This will be the hottest launch for a Phantom Variant, A regional variant, or a store variant ever (of course the frenzy over the Star Wars #1 Hot Topic Variant does not count as it was or a recalled book.)
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Spider-Gwen Color Phantoms back up for $13.99

In case you missed Third Eye Comics selling the Uber popular Spider-Gwen #1 Color Phantom Variant, here you go again.
Prices have already jumped in pre-orders to $20 + for the issue, but here you can get it for way less.
Continue reading “Spider-Gwen Color Phantoms back up for $13.99”

SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for February 4 2015

Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com – hoknes@hotmail.com
This article is immensely useful in determining what retailers have under ordered and what is going to sell out fast.
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond !
This weekly article shows how popular the titles are and how close they are to selling out at Diamond.
This will give retailers and collectors a heads up with a reminder of books you want to make sure you get immediately!! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for February 4 2015”

Agent Poyo's Picks of the week

Yes, I’m a warrior chicken who is a collector first, then a flipper
second. My picks come to you as a regular feathered chicken who minds
his own business with no inside information to any of the comic books
being released each week. I give you these picks of the week only
knowing what you know or can find on the new releases from any online
retailer or Previews. So here are this weeks giblets. Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the week”

Comics Picks of the week for 2/4/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, all with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot of heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery on 2/4/15:
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for 2/4/15”

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