Thanks to JB and Mel for this.
Speculation can be fun. Sometimes it is pretty concrete. Sometimes you have to follow the bread crumbs. This is the latter of the two. Looks like a Matt Pizzollo written comic could be adapted into a movie. Continue reading “Is Young Terrorists or Godkiller Coming to the Big Screen”
Tag: Comics heating up
Wednesday Winner: Unleash #1 Amigo Comics
It is nice to walk into a shop on Wednesday and get your comics. It is even better when you can walk into a shop on Wednesday and get books that are selling for multiple times cover price by the end of the day. Unleash #1 is one of them. Continue reading “Wednesday Winner: Unleash #1 Amigo Comics”
Wednesday Winner The Fix #1 Second Print
It is nice to walk into a shop on Wednesday and get your comics. It is even better when you can walk into a shop on Wednesday and get books that are selling for multiple times cover price by the end of the day. The Fix #1 2nd Print is one of them. Continue reading “Wednesday Winner The Fix #1 Second Print”
Free Comic Wednesday Amazing Spiderman #12 ComicXposure Variant
Thanks again to ComicXposure for sponsoring Free Comic Wednesdays.
I just got this in the mail and had to bump it to the front of the list. I loved this cover when I first saw it and was excited to give it away. Up for grabs this week: Amazing Spiderman #12 ComicXposre variant featuring a Mary Jane blow drying her hair with a repulsor…. Cracked me up.
Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday Amazing Spiderman #12 ComicXposure Variant”
Hoknes New Comic Showcase for 5/11/16
Each week Terry Hoknes of and releases a video showcasing the new comic series debuting for the week. Here are the new comic book series debuting on MAY 11 2016
Continue reading “Hoknes New Comic Showcase for 5/11/16”
Action Comics #52 Spoilers
I got a couple of pages emailed to me of Action Comics #52. I have hidden them in the spoiler image so only click if you want to see. I was told we would get more info on the continuing Saga of the “Chinese Superman” this week. Continue reading “Action Comics #52 Spoilers”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 83rd edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 5/11/16
What’s Up CHU. Thanks for reading. Boy last week was a roller coaster ride with the variants Black Widow, Punisher, and Moon Knight. They were all beauties..that Black Widow was definitively a tough one to attain . This week will be a little bit more gentle on the wallet lets get into it … Continue reading “Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 5/11/16”
Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for May 11th, 2016
Another week, another FCBD has passed.. did everyone get the free books they wanted? Did anyone score the FCBD Funko Civil War Dorbz? There might of been a new Chinese Superman appearance or maybe there wasn’t this past week in Batman Superman #32
. I still think the long term spec hit will be Walking Dead #154
… even Midtown sold out within a day, might be a rare issue that gets a second printing. Wither way, what a crazy week and upon us is likely another crazy week with lots of new books hitting the shelves, so let’s get on with it shall we?
Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for May 11th, 2016”
Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 5/11/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 5/11/16
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 5/11/16”
Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 10
Blind Adam is a comic book dealer in New York and New Jersey, and yes, he is blind (90%). He has been contributing a fun list of hidden gems each week. Continue reading “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 10”
Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 5/9/16
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 5/9/16:
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 5/9/16”
Black Eyed Kids Joe Pruitt Signing Results
I always like to come on here after a signing and give the results of the signings. This went really well. Joe Pruett was awesome to talk to and I got signed copies for everyone who requested them. As you see below, they came our incredible. I picked a signature placement that would not interfere with the art. Most were signed in bronze (comes off looking a little gold in the pictures) until my bronze sharpie died.
Continue reading “Black Eyed Kids Joe Pruitt Signing Results”
First "Chinese Superman" to be in Superman #1
So we all saw the hype and price increase of Batman Superman #32 since Wednesday. But a retailer sent me over an interesting piece saying that the character that appears in the issue is not the New Chinese Superman and is something else entirely.
Continue reading “First "Chinese Superman" to be in Superman #1”
Alana's Weekend Spec Civil War and Dr. Strange edition
Hey fellow CHU’ers back with a few more specs for your back issue bin searching this weekend. With Civil War’s U.S. release yesterday figured it’s a good time to go over not just key books for Civil War but also a few for upcoming Black Panther and Dr. Strange flicks. As most Civil War key books have been spec’d for months and prices are high a couple have slipped through and are still worth a buy. I’ll try and do this as spoiler free as possible, so let’s jump in. Continue reading “Alana's Weekend Spec Civil War and Dr. Strange edition”
John Tyler Christopher Bespin Han Solo's Available
While John Tyler Christopher’s Bespin Han Solo variants sold out quickly on JTC’s site. There is a site that has the books available, as well as offering graded and signed graded copies. If you missed out on the first go around and not looking to pay eBay prices (selling for $40 or more) than you might want to check this out. Continue reading “John Tyler Christopher Bespin Han Solo's Available”
One to Watch: Action Comics #52 and Superman #52
For Action Comics #52, TFAW is sold out, Mycomicshop has not listed theirs yet, and Midtown has these limited to one per customer currently. Superman #52 is still available for pre-order. Regardless, Action Comics #52
and Superman #52 should be on your watch list. Do not get left behind on these.
The following contains spec and possible spoilers, proceed only if you want to know.
Continue reading “One to Watch: Action Comics #52 and Superman #52”
Wednesday Winner: Batman Superman #32
It is nice to walk into a store on Wednesday and buy your comics. It is even nicer when you can flip some of those books by Wednesday night for multiple times what you paid. Batman Superman #32 is one of them. Continue reading “Wednesday Winner: Batman Superman #32”
Variant Envy: Tommy #1 ComicXposure Variant
Tommy is from Creature Entertainmemt who puts out some pretty cool books this one is about a little boy who may have an imaginary friend who may be a cereal killer (serial I know but just see the covers). Continue reading “Variant Envy: Tommy #1 ComicXposure Variant”
Big Gems from Small Press Early May Edition
What’s up CHU, Mel V Here with another edition of Big Gems from the Small Press. School is starting to end and that means more readers and buyers of comics and hopefully that will boost comic sales. These books are slated to be released in the month of August and the deadline to order is 5/24/16.
Tony did a good job in April, but I wanted to step in and throw some out there too.
Don’t forget you can pre order from good friend of the site Ray at his newly revamped and very professional looking site check him out.
Alright lets get to it: Continue reading “Big Gems from Small Press Early May Edition”
Free Comic Book Day Battle Plan: Funko Dorbz
I am going to tell you something completely against your instincts. Forget the free comics on FCBD. Skip over the 50 cent bins for a few minutes. Ignore the snacks or anything else your local comic shop is offering, and go for the Dorbz! Continue reading “Free Comic Book Day Battle Plan: Funko Dorbz”
Hoknes Comics New Comic Showcase for 5/4/16
Each week Terry Hoknes from and released a video showcasing the weeks hot new series. Here is this weeks.
Continue reading “Hoknes Comics New Comic Showcase for 5/4/16”
Wednesday open forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 82nd edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday open forum”
Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 5/4/16
What’s up Chu? Mel V back once again with Mel’s Variants of the week. Last week was very interesting with the Killbox variant doing extremely well as well as Miss Oums UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL #7
This week is going to be HUGE, so lets get started shall we Continue reading “Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 5/4/16”
Agent Poyo's Picks of the Week for May 4th, 2016
It’s a good week. May 4th is on new comic book day. This Saturday is FCBD 2016. I’m gonna get Becky Cloonan signature on Punisher #1 on Wednesday at Austin Books. And best of all, it’s new comic book day with a whole bunch of new comics coming out.
So let’s get on with Poyo’s magnificent picks of the week.. Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the Week for May 4th, 2016”