Agent Poyo’s Picks of the week for delivery 7/15/15

Last week was way more exciting in terms of new comics compared to this week. I guess all the publishers are out on summer vacation or something. Nothing really looks spec worthy, at least in terms of a quick flip but regardless, here’s the chicken’s picks of the week: Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the week for delivery 7/15/15”

Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 7/15/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 7/15/15:
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 7/15/15”

SDCC Cosplay Gallery

Louie M. writes about conventions for He also takes cosplay pictures. He came back with a ton of pictures! Here is Louie’s cosplay gallery for SDCC: Continue reading “SDCC Cosplay Gallery”

SDCC Wrap Up

Louie M. writes about conventions for He was one of the men on the street out in San Diego. We sent them out with three simple rules. 1. Let us know what is hot. 2. Get tons of pictures of cosplayers (pictures later.) 3. Come back alive. Here is Louie’s wrap up, quick notes, and random thoughts of the con. Continue reading “SDCC Wrap Up”

Official Suicide Squad First Look Trailer released. 

Holy Cow. This looks incredible. See the full (and clear) Suicide Squad first look trailer after the bump. Continue reading “Official Suicide Squad First Look Trailer released. “

New Blade Series from Marvel Features Blade’s Daughter

Blade seems to be getting popular again, with talks of Wesley Snipes revisiting the role and now the official announcement of a new on-going Blade series featuring his daughter Fallon.    Continue reading “New Blade Series from Marvel Features Blade’s Daughter”

Rumor that Postal and Think Tank announcement to come this week

We posted up the following facebook post from Top Cow’s Matt Hawkins:

Rumor has it the official announcement could be coming some time this week. Continue reading “Rumor that Postal and Think Tank announcement to come this week”

SDCC: Maxwell Lord Cast on CBS’ Supergirl

The CBS’ Suoper-girl TV show is starting to shape up nicely. Casting rumors yesterday of Livewire, and now, Maxwell Lord, are making the show interesting sounding.
Continue reading “SDCC: Maxwell Lord Cast on CBS’ Supergirl”

SDCC: Ed McGuinness and and Joe Kelly’s Spider-man Deadpool #1

The creators of the first on-going Deadpool series return to their former glory with a new Deadpool Series, this time bringing along Spider-man for the ride. Continue reading “SDCC: Ed McGuinness and and Joe Kelly’s Spider-man Deadpool #1”

SDCC: Inhuman Lash coming to Marvel Agents of Shield

While there was not a great presence of Marvel at SDCC, Marvel Cinematic and Television Universe was on fire there. News came out that Lash who first appeared in Inhuman #1, will make his way to Marvel Agents of SHIELD. Continue reading “SDCC: Inhuman Lash coming to Marvel Agents of Shield”

SDCC: Hugh Jackman talks about Old Man Logan in Wolverine 3

This keeps resurfacing but looks even more credible than before:

Wolverine 3 could be based on Old Man Logan. We mentioned it here on June 19th but it was “Debunked” but the rumor is resurfacing again thanks to Mr. Wolverine, Hugh Jackman, himself. Continue reading “SDCC: Hugh Jackman talks about Old Man Logan in Wolverine 3”

SDCC: Livewire to appear on CBS’ Supergirl


Why oh why did I sell all the copies of Superman Adventures #5 that I found?

Bleeding Cool mentioned that Livewire will appear on CBS’ Supergirl.

Continue reading “SDCC: Livewire to appear on CBS’ Supergirl”

SDCC: Next Green Lantern Movie Titles “Green Lantern Corps”


This should be a good one to spec on if the movie turns out well. The next Green Lantern movie will be entitled Green Lantern Corps. Continue reading “SDCC: Next Green Lantern Movie Titles “Green Lantern Corps””

SDCC: Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice Trailer

Sorry, have been out of comission most of the day. In case you missed it, here is the Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer:
Continue reading “SDCC: Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice Trailer”

Coupon Code for ASM Renew Your Vows #4


Comicxposure has released a coupon code that takes $5 off Amazing Spider-man Renew Your Vows #4 variant. This makes the color cover $9.99 and the black and white $14.99. This is for the Siya Oum variant cover. Continue reading “Coupon Code for ASM Renew Your Vows #4”

Walking Dead Season 6 “Bootleg” Trailer appears online

See it now before it gets pulled. A bootleg video coming out of SDCC appeared on Youtube tonight, and damn it looks good. Check it out after the bump:
Continue reading “Walking Dead Season 6 “Bootleg” Trailer appears online”

Wednesday Winner: Star Wars #1 6th print

starwars 6th

I love getting comics on Wednesday. I love it even more when books I pick up on Wednesday are going for more than 2x cover price by Thursday. Star Wars #1 6th print is one of them. Continue reading “Wednesday Winner: Star Wars #1 6th print”

Michael Moreci’s Roche Limit optioned

Get ready for a ton of SDCC news. Especially movie and tv show options. This could be a great time to sell comics and raid stores to make a little profit.

Michael Moreci’s Roche Limit has been optioned by Heavy Metal for a movie. Heavy Metal has gone through some changes recently (magazine that is) including having Grant Morrison coming on board. Continue reading “Michael Moreci’s Roche Limit optioned”

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