Clone picked up by Universal for tv show

Skybound just tweeted that Clone has been picked up by Universal for a Tv show. Looks like this book will be off to the races.


Might not hurt to check out getting a copy here because, Clone #1 starting at $2.90 on Amazon

Clone #2

Clone #3 for about cover price

Clone #4 for $1.90

Clone #5 for $2

Plus there is the Clone#1 “Charlie Adlard Variant”

Think Tank Movie Confirmed at Sdcc

We kind of saw this one coming, in fact we reported on it back on June 20th, but it has been confirmed that Think Tank is heading to the big screen. Prices are sure to jump on this already hot book. Continue reading “Think Tank Movie Confirmed at Sdcc”

Number 13 from Dark Horse Movie coming

The news flying out of SDCC has been fast and furious. While I was driving home my iPhone was lighting up with tips that Dark Horse Comics ‘Number 13’ was not only picked up for a movie, but they released the trailer at the Dark Horse Black panel.

You can see the trailer for yourself at and I can say it looks pretty awesome. Kind of reminds me of the special effects of The Returner.

Of course, get the books before they blow up. Number 13 on eBay get them while they are cheap

Number 13 #0

Number 13 #1

Number 13 #2

Number 13 #3

Watson and Holmes #1 heating up

Well not heating up as much as hot. This book came out of nowhere and got some great press and got people interested. The book, which came out on Wednesday, had a print run of 3,888 copies and the second issue will have an even small print run. It sold out before SDCC according to Bleeding Cool. A second printing is coming.

So whats the story?

WATSON & HOLMES is a modern urban take on the tales of “Sherlock Holmes” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Re-envisioning Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson as African Americans and taking place in New York City’s famous Harlem district. Both cross paths for the first time when an unusual case Holmes is involved in ends up in Watson’s emergency room. During the investigation, a conspiracy is discovered that links unexpected people together while Watson & Holmes bump heads along the way in more ways than one.

Not willing to fork out the $20 an issue to check it out? You can get

Watson and Holmes #1 digitally from Amazon for 99 cents. Watson and Holmes #1 on ebay


Ghosted #1 sells out at distributor level and going to 2nd print

Another new sell out from Image and Skybound (Robert Kirkman’s imprint.) ‘Ghosted #1’ sold out through Diamond comics distributors. Selling out at the distributor level does not mean that you cannot but it in stores, it means that stores cannot order additional copies through Diamond. Skybound sellouts have included many issues of ‘The Walking Dead’ and early issues of ‘Thief of Thieves.’ Many of which have performed nicely on the secondary market.

Copies of Ghosted #1 cheap on Amazon get them while they last.

Larry’s Comics Market Report 7/16/13


Larry Doherty at Larry’s comics puts out a weekly market report. It is always a good read to see what is getting hot, and what he thinks will get hot. We tend to agree on a lot of things (Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth made the list this week.) So without further ado this weeks market report:

Continue reading “Larry’s Comics Market Report 7/16/13”

Comic book picks of the week for 7/17/13

This looks to be another good summer week with some good speculation books. Speaking of which, did you see the news on ‘Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth’ and ‘Clone.’? These two stories kept me busy last night and up late with excitement. Things have been kind of slow on the secondary market, but the books we are picking up now are going to turn in to money down the road. We just have to get through convention season. So without further ado, this weeks comic book speculation picks:

Continue reading “Comic book picks of the week for 7/17/13”

Clone getting tv /movie deal?

Well, with just a short time before SDCC, things are picking up on the speculation front. Over on the Cgc message boards, a place where comic creators frequent to check out the reaction to their work. Something mysterious popped up. Continue reading “Clone getting tv /movie deal?”

Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth 2nd print print run

Ken Kristensen posted on a message board a few minutes ago the print run on the 2nd print number 1 is about 5,000 copies. This makes the 2nd print #1 the smallest printed book in the series and really worth picking up (see what Rachel Rising #1 3rd print did.)

Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth Print Run

Thanks to Mark for these. Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth sold out its first two issues early on. With news of the impending TV show, its not a bad idea to look at the print run numbers. The second issue of the series, which typically drops off in size, is the smallest of the run. With about 7800 first print copies this book could really shoot up if the TV show works out. I can account for at least 7800 people hoping it does.

Continue reading “Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth Print Run”

Todd The Ugliest Kid on Earth shoot up to $30

We told you on the 13th that some serious rumblings have been going around, straight from the creative team, that Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth looked like it was going to be picked up as an animated tv series. Since the rumor got out Amazon sold out of the copies it had listed. And has since got new copies listed. All the cheap copies have disappeared off eBay. The copies of #1 that have bids on them are all in the $30 dollar range. With news hitting today of the tv series, looks like prices may be set to jump again. There are currently very few copies of the first print #1 on eBay.

Continue reading “Todd The Ugliest Kid on Earth shoot up to $30”

Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth Tv Show?

Magic 8-ball says, “looking good.” News will be released Moday that ‘Todd, the Ugliest Kid on Earth’ may be coming to tv. Looks like a deal is in the works and the creative team will be releasing the scoop soon. ‘Todd’ is an Image Comics series that had good initial buzz and saw a price jump shortly after the first issue sold out. Then the second issue sold out. We will have full news once we get the update on Monday about the when’s and where’s.

Todd the Ugliest Kid on Earth #1 is available on Amazon but copies have been snatched up fast.

Every #1 issue of 2013 sales and stats

Terry Hoknes of and does great articles looking at the numbers of books sold, and sold out. Here is his list of every first issue printed thus far in 2013.

The first column is the comics rank for the month for #1 issues. The second column is its overall

EVERY #1 ISSUE OF 2013 – All new comic book series debuted this year and sales stats

Report by Terry Hoknes of

The following massive chart is to be a basic index to all the new comic series that debut each month. Its a quick look at the most ordered and best selling #1 issues of every single month plus a great reference to look back at and see what comics are likely to be future hot books. As we all know the industry has always invested the most in #1 first issues So now you have a list of all of them at your fingertips showing their print runs. This list also includes one-shots, Annual #1′s and #0′s as well.

The first column is the comics rank for the month for #1 issues. The second column is its overall rank for all comics that month.

so far this year Marvel has had the #1 ranking #1 issue of the month 4 out of 6 times.

Jupiters Legacy and Walking Dead: Governors Special are the only #1 issues non-DC/Marvel to sell over 50,000 copies.

Only 13 #1 issues so far this year had sales of over 100,000 copies.

Only 3 #1 issues so far this year had sales of over 200,000 copies

Top Selling #1 issues so far of 2013 (plus how many copies Diamond still has in inventory as of today)

1 JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #1 311,000 – Diamond has 3,500 copies left

2 SUPERMAN UNCHAINED #1 251,456 – Diamond 22,000 copies left

3 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #1 211,000 – Diamond 1,000 copies left

4 SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #1 188,000 – Diamond 0 copies left

5 UNCANNY X-MEN #1 177,000 – Diamond 1,800 copies left

6 X-MEN #1 177,000 – Diamond 0 copies left

7 AGE OF ULTRON #1 174,000 – Diamond 1,200 copies left

8 BATMAN SUPERMAN #1 143,457 – Diamond 15,700 copies left

9 WOLVERINE #1 117,000 – Diamond 1,800 copies left

10 NEW AVENGERS #1 116,000 – Diamond 0 copies left

11 THANOS RISING #1 114,000 – Diamond 0 copies left

12 JUPITERS LEGACY #1 105,000 – Diamond 0 copies left

13 SAVAGE WOLVERINE #1 102,000 – Diamond 100 copies left

Continue reading “Every #1 issue of 2013 sales and stats”

Wild Blue Yonder #2 sells out tiny print run

We had previously mentioned Wild Blue Yonder #1 from IDW had sold out. It is a fantastic new creator owned book that deals with a post-apocalyptic world where the people have moved to the skys and are living on air craft. The bad guys are searching for a legendary air ship called the Wild Blue Yonder which runs without gas.

Now, issue number 2 has sold out at the distributor level two weeks before it’s release. The print run is a measly 5,350 issues, way less than the first issue. This could be the book to pick up when it is released.
Wild Blue Yonder #1 (Regular Cover)



Red Sonja #1 sells out before release

Dynamite comics is proud to announce that Red Sonja #1 written by Gail Simone has sold out. It is sold out at the distributor level which means the copies your local comic shop have are all the first print copies they will get. A second print is coming. The print run for the first issue was 35,000 copies.

East of West #4 Blank Variant going for double cover price.

Well it does not take long some days, but East of West #4 which featured an variant with a blank cover is already going for 2x what it sold for on the stands today. Collectors snatched these up as quickly as they were put out and they have already sold through at a premium. Copies that were sold at cover price on eBay quickly sold out.

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 7/5/13

A great way to see what has some heat behind it is the Diamond Comic’s Advanced Reorder list. This list is comprised of the most re-ordered comics before they are released. These books might have been reordered due to a new story line, the previous issue selling well, a new series with chatter behind it, or with Green Lantern, free rings. It is a good tool some weeks to pick up on what will be hot coming to stores is the coming weeks. So without further ado, this week’s list:

Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 7/5/13”

The Art of Zenescope Limited Edition Hardcover flip

One thing that has been a constant for some comic collectors is hot chicks in small outfits on covers sell well. No company does this better than Zenescope. They put out titles that are wrapped in beautifully rendered scantily clad women and the fans buy the books quickly. The racier the cover the better they sell. When you add in the covers are often very limited, you have a great money making opportunity on the secondary market.
Continue reading “The Art of Zenescope Limited Edition Hardcover flip”

Image Expo News

Looks like we will finally find out what really is #whatsnext.; has a bunch of stories about the news coming out of Image Expo which is being held today. The biggest news is that ‘The Walking Dead’ is going bi-weekly for seven months for the upcoming story line ‘All Out War.’ The bi-monthly shipping starts in October with issue 115.

Other highlights include ‘Velvet’ from Steve Epting and Ed Brubaker (Death of Captain America and Winter Soldier story lines.) ‘Alone’ by J. Michael Straczynski and Bill Sienkeiwicz. He will also be doing ‘Dream Police’ with Mike Deodato and ‘Lost Souls’ with Colleen Doran.

Mark Millar announced a new book titled ‘MPH’. It states that he is looking to do a unified super-hero line for Image.

Larry’s Comics Market Report 7/1/13

It’s been a couple of weeks, but Larry from Larry’s Comics has released a new comics market report. (Titles in orange are clickable and will show you current auctions on ebay in a new window)

Hey guys,
Here is my shops weekly report for this week.
It contains A LOT of recycled information because it’s weekly & the market doesn’t change that fast.
Enjoy it. Don’t take it too seriously.

Continue reading “Larry’s Comics Market Report 7/1/13”

Last of Us American Dreams has been the surprise hit of a slow May

Last of Us American Dreams has been the surprise hit of a slow May-June selling period. Prices remain fairly high, as there was a tiny print run on the book. Considering how well the video game was received, and rated by critics, the book was a natural to take off. Below is an overview of prices for the comic:

All issues:

Last of Us American Dreams

Last of Us American Dreams #1 has been selling extremly well.

Last of Us American Dreams #1 is selling for $20 to $30 on average.

Even #1 Second Print, is commanding a premium, mostly due to the small print run of the first print.

Last of Us American Dreams #1 2nd Print is selling for around $9.99 on Average.

The second issue is a strong seller as well.

Last of Us American Dreams #2 is going for $17 to $23.

The third issue just came out and is selling at a premium.

Last of Us American Dreams #3 averaging $9.99 for the newly released issue.

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list 6/28/13


The Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list is a great tool for looking at what books could be potentially hot. This list compiles the top 25 most reorder comics before they are distributed. These books could be soon to be released ones that are getting a lot of people asking about the in their local comic shops, books that are getting talked about on the boards. They could also be books that the past issue or couple of issues sold well and now the retailers are scrambling to fill the demand for future issues. Needless to say it is a good peek at what has buzz behind it.

So, here is the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list for 6/28/13: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list 6/28/13”

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