Peter Parker Cameo in Captain America Civil War only part of Spider-Man appearances

Some of us have been waiting for the integration of Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe for a while. Not necessarily for speculation purposes, even though Spider-man Civil War speculation is there, but out of fondness for the character and for him to be done right. Hopefully, allowing Marvel Studios to handle the character will mean he will be done correctly. Continue reading “Peter Parker Cameo in Captain America Civil War only part of Spider-Man appearances”

New Fantastic Four Trailer features Deadpool

I have never been a fan of Marvel’s first family. The comic series never appealed to me. The original two films never had anything of interest other than Jessica Alba. However, the newest trailer has piqued my interest for one reason: Deadpool Continue reading “New Fantastic Four Trailer features Deadpool”


There is no stopping ‘The Walking Dead.’ The comic book, turned TV show, turned global franchise is arguably the most successful independent comic ever. The second TV show, ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ premieres this month and has already been picked up for a second season. Continue reading “AMC CONFIRMS 15-EPISODE ORDER FOR SECOND SEASON OF “FEAR THE WALKING DEAD””

Deadpool trailer for the trailer 

It has been a few weeks since the Deadpool trailer leaked online at Sdcc. By now, many expected the trailer to air, but alas it has not. Today, the “Deadpool Trailer” trailer hit.
Continue reading “Deadpool trailer for the trailer “

Hoknes Comics Hot 200 comics for late July

Bi-weekly column and list compiled by comics historian Terry Hoknes of –

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This list is updated every 2 weeks. This list is compiled from my non-stop research of the current market. I believe these were the most demand and growing in value books this month. This list focuses on all regular edition covers. (Variants are not usually listed unless they have heated up way above the potential initial high price for them). If you think I have missed any hot MODERN titles/issues please let me know. Here are my picks of what I believe are the hottest comics at this very moment from all sold out releases of MODERN comics online based on back issue sales ABOVE cover price.

Note these are all the “hot” recent sold comics that your comic shops will not have still on the shelf for cover price. However many speculators will hunt their local comic shops looking for that “hot” book that is still on the shelf – sometimes you find them!

This market report is based on very current constant online sales. Number of sales online above cover and the amount above cover price are the criteria I use for ranking books highest on the list. Usually books ranking highest in the top 40 are books that have made jumps in value since the very last chart. These are the books that are likely increasing at this very moment. Books ranking from #41-100 are usually big sellers and have recently jumped in the past months but have not climbed since the last chart. Any comics ranked below the top 100 used to be hot books and do have a high value but are no longer expected to climb in value so be more cautious hunting those books out. Data can get outdated quickly so I always suggest you look at ended sold auctions at to see what the most recent sales prices are on any listed books. (If you spot an error or a forgotten book/price please let me know) Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot 200 comics for late July”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 8/2/15


The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 8/2/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 8/2/15”

Battling Boy gets award winning Director

I have said it before and I will say it again, Paul Pope is one of my favorite creators. I have been a fan since THB was first released and have bought just about everything he has put out since.

Battling Boy, which was optioned a while back, had landed an Oscar award winning director. Continue reading “Battling Boy gets award winning Director”

One to Watch: Imperium #7

Divinity was one of the most popular new mini-series for the year, and not just from Valiant. Many people skip over mini-series for speculation, but end up missing out because of the mentality. We reported earlier that a second Divinity mini-series would be coming out in the fall. But the story is continuing before then. Continue reading “One to Watch: Imperium #7”

Up and Coming Small Press: Magnetic-Press

Whats up CHU, Mel V here. This great opportunity that Anthony has given me with has allowed me to seek and find new and upcoming books and talent that I can see having a major impact going forward, so once in a while I will be doing small write ups about up and coming studios and artists and writers etc. So with my 1st edition I’d like to showcase Magnetic-Press.
Continue reading “Up and Coming Small Press: Magnetic-Press”

Hunt it. Buy it. Flip it. Steven Universe

Here is a weird one I got from Terry Hoknes at

Steven Universe is hot. The comic that is. The low print run kids comic is in demand. Continue reading “Hunt it. Buy it. Flip it. Steven Universe”

News on Negan and Walking Dead Sixth Season

He is coming. You know he will show up. it is just a matter of time. What will be the difficult part is covering up all the F-bombs he drops. Talks came out about Negan showing up on the sixth season of The Walking Dead:
Continue reading “News on Negan and Walking Dead Sixth Season”

One to Watch: “Original” Sex Criminal #11 Sketch cover hits eBay

People have begun to sell the Sex Criminal Sketch covers that they have been getting from the bagged Sex Criminal #11.

One of the “Sex Criminals #11 Original Sketch Cover” sketches, with the original frame cover has hit the market.
Continue reading “One to Watch: “Original” Sex Criminal #11 Sketch cover hits eBay”

Night Nurse was to be on Daredevil TV show

night nurse

Stories coming out now are that the character Night Nurse was to be on the Daredevil TV show but she was pulled for she was slated for something else. In an interview with Show Runner Steven S. DeKnight, he let it slip. Continue reading “Night Nurse was to be on Daredevil TV show”

The Hot Topic Invader Zim flip idea

Another simple one. Invader Zim has always been all over Hot Topic stores. So it would make sense that they would carry an exclusive. So here is the idea: Continue reading “The Hot Topic Invader Zim flip idea”

Winner! Enormous Vol 2 #1 Hoknes Comics Variant

Thanks to Terry Hoknes at Hoknes Comics for sponsoring this one. Here we go with our first winner of the night. The winner gets both covers for the Hoknes Comics Variant of Enormous Vol.2 #1. One winner, two great books.
Continue reading “Winner! Enormous Vol 2 #1 Hoknes Comics Variant”

Variant Envy: We Can Never Go Home Again and Young Terrorist Third Eye Variants

Normally I wouldn’t lump three comics together under a Variant Envy post but these are too good for me to pass up. Black Mask has been hitting homers lately, and using classic Punk Rock homage cover has me all in. Continue reading “Variant Envy: We Can Never Go Home Again and Young Terrorist Third Eye Variants”

Free Comic Wednesday: Batgirl #41 Recalled Cover (custom)


Here is something different. This is a custom Batgirl #41 cover. This one is sponsored by our friend Pete B. It is a 100% custom made comic book cover for customizing Batgirl #41. Grab a copy. Pop the staples. Slap on the New cover. Reattach staples (I make that sound easy don’t I). And have a rare customized comic.

Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday: Batgirl #41 Recalled Cover (custom)”

Free Comic Wednesday: GI Joe #214 Fabio Valle Black and White variant

Here we go again. Part two of our Free Comic Wednesday for July. Up next is GI Joe #214 Black and white Fabio Valle Variant. This one is sponsored by our friends at Comicxposure


Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday: GI Joe #214 Fabio Valle Black and White variant”

Free Comic Wednesday: Spidergwen #1 Midtown Variant signed by Jason Latour

Every Wednesday is July we have been giving away free comics. This week is no different. We are giving away three great books and something a little special. Four giveaways total this week! July goes out with a bang. (We will also announce last weeks winners tonight.)

First up is this Jason Latour signed Spider-Gwen #1 Midtown Comics variant sponsored by our very own Mel V..

Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday: Spidergwen #1 Midtown Variant signed by Jason Latour”

Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all. Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

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