Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 11/2/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/2/16”
Tag: comic invest
Poyo's Picks for October 26, 2016
Poyo Goals:
Met Jock. Check.
Met Francesco Francavilla. Check.
If you haven’t already, read my article on Mondo Con, it was a blast, especially the Art of Jock panel. I didn’t get a chance to go to all the panels but that was the primary one I wanted to see.
With that said, on with the picks of the week. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks for October 26, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/26/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 10/26/16:
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/26/16”
Poyo's Picks of the Week for October 19, 2016
MondoCon is coming up here in Central Texas, if you’re going, holler in the comments section, I should be there either Saturday or Sunday. Jock and Francavilla are both going to be there, amongst some other comic creators and artists, movies, music, toys and food. So it’s more than just comics, I’m looking forward to the event and hopefully sharing stuff with the masses. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the Week for October 19, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/19/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we feel have the best shot at heating up. Here are our Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/19/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/19/16”
Poyo's Picks for October 12, 2016
So NYCC was a blast. It was nice meeting people and hanging with Anthony and Tyson from ToyBoxOne. Met Mel as well, but with the crowds and such, we all sort of went our own way at times. Shout out to Larry as well from Larry’s Comics, great pleasure to finally meet you in person.
A huge thanks to Anthony though for hooking us up with hotel reservations, con connections and that uber ride back to the airport on the way out of the city on Sunday, back to our regularly scheduled programmed lives.
Since I survived the weekend, let’s talk about comics some more shall we? It’s a huge week this week and there is just literally tons of good stuff hitting the shelves. So I’m going to change it up again. I’m going to stick with my DC and Marvel Picks, but then I’m going to make sure there’s always an Indie pick, which will hopefully be my main focus. Yes, out of the dozens of comics I pick up each week, I’m going to narrow it down to just one pick I think you should either read, keep or flip. Sometimes I might think it will be a quick flip. Sometimes it might just be something you hold onto for a long time. So let’s move on. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks for October 12, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for delivery 10/12/16
Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best show at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 10/12/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for delivery 10/12/16”
Poyo's Picks of the Week for Sept. 5th 2016
It’s Con Week for me and a few others. Yes, anyone going to NYCC, look for me, I’ll be hanging around that Tony guy.. and Tyson from ToyBoxOne!
It’s a huge week and I’ll be traveling on Wednesday so I’m hoping I ordered most of what I wanted or need, but I’m sure I missed something for the collection.
Regardless, let’s get on with the picks… Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the Week for Sept. 5th 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/5/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 10/5/16 Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/5/16”
Agent Poyo's Picks of the Week for Sept. 28th, 2016
Welcome to Poyo’s picks of the week, where I give you my chicken wisdom in what I think you should be picking up or reading. Sometimes I’m even right and nail a spec, but that’s a rare occurrence.
Last week’s winner (Seven to Eternity) was kind of a no brainer, but it did end up heating up way faster than I anticipated. Maybe I can pick this weeks winner and get two weeks in a row, since getting one spec right is an accomplishment in itself. Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the Week for Sept. 28th, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/28/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 9/28/16 Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/28/16”
Poyo's Picks of the Week for Sept 21, 2016
New comic book day is upon us once again and every Wednesday it’s like Christmas morning. This week has a lot of exciting new stuff and a bunch of books are hitting the shelves. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the Week for Sept 21, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/21/16
Each week hundreds of new issues hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 9/21/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/21/16”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/14/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 9/14/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/14/16”
Poyo's Picks of the Week for Sept 14, 2016
Another week, another new comic book Wednesday. I should just skip a few weeks, I’m so far behind in my readings it’s not even funny. I’m sad to say my favorite local shop is closing down, due to landlord issues. No new comics until the end of October when he’s being forced out and that’s just not enough time to find a new shop to operate out of. The owner is entertaining the idea of selling, so if anyone’s in the market of buying a comic book store, well, you’ll have to find a new location…
Enough with the sad news, let’s get on with the picks of the week. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the Week for Sept 14, 2016”
Poyo's Picks of the week for September 7, 2016
I’m back. I survived Canada and it’s poutine! I also didn’t gorge myself with tons of ice cream cones, but it was tempting. I realized though, if one wasn’t smoking, they were likely holding an ice cream cone. Montreal was very clean, I really enjoyed it even though I spent 80% of my time in a datacenter. I even worked so much, I never got back to the hotel in time (why they close these at 10pm is beyond me) to enjoy the damn jacuzzi..
Last week Tony helped me out, with my picks and quite frankly, he did a pretty good job I think. I think the only comic he missed on my picks was Fourth Planet from Chapter House, which I really enjoyed the first issue and was really looking forward to the second issue.
So lets pick some comics for this week, cause Poyo is back and can’t wait to get back to the comic shop… and this week there is a lot coming out, probably one of the bigger weeks for me on new stuff and my ongoing pulls in a long time. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the week for September 7, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/7/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 9/7/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/7/16”
Poyo's Picks of the Week for August 31st, 2016
It’s new comic book Wednesday, the best day of each week. All us comic book addicted nerds come back out (from wherever we hide) to talk about what we think is going to be the next big thing in the comic book world.
So let’s talk about them then. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the Week for August 31st, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery for 8/31/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 8/31/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery for 8/31/16”
Poyo's Picks of the Week for August 24th, 2016
It’s new comic book Wednesday, the best day of each week. All us comic book addicted nerds come back out (from wherever we hide) to talk about what we think is going to be the next big thing in the comic book world.
So let’s talk about them then. Continue reading “Poyo's Picks of the Week for August 24th, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery for 8/24/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 8/24/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery for 8/24/16”
Agent Poyo's Picks of the Week for August 17th, 2016
Welcome again to Agent Poyo’s Picks of the week. Sometimes I’m dead on but most of the time I’m wrong. But honestly I don’t care if I’m wrong because I’m good enough, smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me. Okay, that might be a stretch on the people liking me bit.
Anyways, let’s get on with my picks for this awesome week of new comics.
Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the Week for August 17th, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 8/17/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 8/17/16:
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 8/17/16”
Agent Poyo's Picks for August 10th, 2016
Welcome again, to this weeks Poyo picks because you all have a problem, you like comics. That’s why you are reading this, well, I hope you are. If not, I wasted a good 5 minutes your time and a bit of my life each week submitting this to Tony to post on his website. So if you do read, post something.. your own picks, a comment to make fun of mine or me.. it doesn’t matter.
So anyways, let’s get on with these picks.. Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks for August 10th, 2016”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 8/10/16
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some life up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our comics picks of the week for delivery 8/10/16: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 8/10/16”