One to Watch This Wednesday: Disciples #1 Black Mask Studios

Make sure you pick up Disciples #1 from Black Mask Studios this Wednesday. First, it is being done by Steve Niles and Christopher Mitton. The book will be a mix of horror and sci-fi. But the main reason to keep this on your radar is it is being developed for TV by Wes Craven. Continue reading “One to Watch This Wednesday: Disciples #1 Black Mask Studios”

Double signed Fight Club BAM Variants

I had a lot of interest in the Books a Million variant Fight Club 2 signed by Chip Zdarsky and Chuck Palahnuik. So much so I had to keep going back through the line to get more signed. I sold them out quickly. But I did talk to the manager on my way out and asked her if they ended up with extra signed copies to hold me some.  Continue reading “Double signed Fight Club BAM Variants”

ComicXposure Secret Wars Winner

Thanks again to ComicXposure for sponsoring this great give away. We have two more coming up over the next two Wednesdays, so keep your eyes peeled! We also will have a new contest sponsor soon as well. I think you guys will go nuts over that one. Continue reading “ComicXposure Secret Wars Winner”

Bitch Planet coming to TV or Theater?

We had mentioned previously that Kelly Sue DeConnick and Matt Fraction had inked a deal that would bring some of their properties to TV. Looks like at Special Edition New York City’s Image panel it was alluded to that more could come of Bitch Planet Continue reading “Bitch Planet coming to TV or Theater?”

Star Wars #4 Boba Fett Signed and Graded copies beginning to ship

Thanks to DrunkWooky for this.
Graded signed Star Wars #4 Boba Fett variants are starting to ship.
A couple months back everybody scrambled to get one of John Tyler Christopher’s 5,000 Boba Fett Action Figure Variants for Star Wars #4.
They sold out in 24 hours if you remember.
I was one of the lucky people who managed to place an order. Continue reading “Star Wars #4 Boba Fett Signed and Graded copies beginning to ship”

ComicXposure taking pre-orders for Sex Criminals #11

RE Camera
RE Camera

I know people were asking about where they could pre-order Sex Criminals #11 most places are sold out on-line already. If you missed the message in the comment section, here is where you can pre-order and jump in on the great Easter Egg hunt.
Continue reading “ComicXposure taking pre-orders for Sex Criminals #11”

Early Preacher appearance help

preacher 1
$6 and $8 copies are gone. But here is one left at $9.99
Mystery Solved. Thanks to ACrave. It comes from Flux Magazine #1. If you are looking for this early appearance of Preacher from 1995, not 1994 as the seller claims, you can find FLUX magazine from Harris comics here for $6 plus shipping.
Ok guys, need to pick the brain of the collective. I got an email tonight and I am stumped. It is in relation to an Early magazine appearance of Preacher Continue reading “Early Preacher appearance help”

Reports state Jason Statham as Bullseye in Daredevil TV show

Not a bad bit of casting if true, reports are stating that Jason Statham to play Bullseye in Daredevil TV show. Continue reading “Reports state Jason Statham as Bullseye in Daredevil TV show”

More All New All Different Marvel

Posted this image earlier, it is the second teaser poster for the all new, all now, all different, Marvel Universe. Here is the breakdown of the characters:
Continue reading “More All New All Different Marvel”

All new All different Marvel (or more of the same BS)

Here we go again. I have been saying for a while that Marvel will reboot. Marvel claims that it is not a reboot. Secret Wars will end and an all new Marvel universe will begin. But will readers care at this point. Big changes ahead. Well, Axel Alonso has come out and said it will be a reboot. Continue reading “All new All different Marvel (or more of the same BS)”

Sex Criminals 11, one to really watch.

Sex Criminals #11 was originally advertised as having $1,000 polybagged in a copy. Now that has changed and 1,000 sketch covers will be inserted in randomly selected polybags. Read on to find out. Continue reading “Sex Criminals 11, one to really watch.”

Think Outside the Toy Box: POPS!, KISS, and more…

Another week, another ton of stuff out on shelved or up for pre-order. With San Diego Comic Con just around the corner we have exclusive for that going up left and right as well. Here is a brief, emphasis on brief, rundown on some new items. I also left out the 3 waves of Marvel Legends. Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: POPS!, KISS, and more…”

Wednesday One to Watch: Justice League #41

Sorry have been in meetings all day and have not been able to do midday updates. 
Here is a book to be on the lookout for, Justice League #41. Not saying run right out and buy it, but at least keep it on your radar. Spoilers ahead so do not read if you are planning on reading Justice League #41 in the very near future. 
Darksied War is in full effect. And the first casualty has been claimed.  Continue reading “Wednesday One to Watch: Justice League #41”

Think Outside the Toy Box: Pre-sale Marvel Legends Ultron, Hulkbuster, Rhino BAF

Tyson B. writes about toys and action figures for and his own site
Hasbro decided to crush everyone’s wallet putting 3 waves of Marvel Legends up for pre-order today. They are Ant-Man Marvel Legends Wave 1, Avengers Marvel Legends Wave 3, and Amazing Spider-man 2 Marvel Legends Wave 4. I know what you are thinking. What’s left 3D man? Actually Marvel has been doing a nice job of keeping a good mix of characters to make sure the Marvel Legends line is around for years to come. So much to cover let’s get to it, in order of release. Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: Pre-sale Marvel Legends Ultron, Hulkbuster, Rhino BAF”

Phoenix Comic Con Wrap up.

Phoenix Comicon is one of the largest pop culture conventions in the Southwest. Starting as a one day event in 2002 with 400 attendees, it has grown to over 80K attendees and takes over Downtown Phoenix. Louie Martinez went and represented for Continue reading “Phoenix Comic Con Wrap up.”

Comic Picks of the week for delivery 6/3/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up.
Here are our picks of the week for delivery on 6/3/15:
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the week for delivery 6/3/15”

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