What Up Chu? Mel V. here to draw the winner of the Tommy Kickstarter Giveaway. We are drawing the winner for the copy of Tommy #1 Puerto Rico Comic Con Exclusive. It’s limited to 50 copies total. Continue reading “Winner: Tommy #1 Puerto Rico Comic Con Exclusive”
Category: Comic Books
Titan’s ‘Under Scourge of the Sewer’ Optioned For Movie
Graphic novel “Under Scourge of the Sewer,” about mutated creatures lurking in the sewers under a major US metropolis, is coming to the big-screen, with Franco-Belgian comics powerhouse Media Participations Group, Titan Comics, and U.K. producer Born Wild bringing the project to life. Continue reading “Titan’s ‘Under Scourge of the Sewer’ Optioned For Movie”
Geoff Johns to Write/Produce Stargirl TV Series for DC Streaming
Thanks to Key Collectors Comics for sending the news directly from SDCC. Geoff Johns has been tapped to write and produce a TV series based off the Stargirl character he created for DC. Continue reading “Geoff Johns to Write/Produce Stargirl TV Series for DC Streaming”
Live Action Teen Titans Trailer His Web
The live action Teen Titans tv show is coming. The first trailer hit the internet today. Check it out below and comment on what you think. Continue reading “Live Action Teen Titans Trailer His Web”
Universal Television Picks Up Lost City Explorers For TV
We mentioned Zack Kaplan mentioning some of his books being optioned in the back of Aftershock Comics Lost City Explorers a few weeks back. Now, Lost City Explorers is being picked up for TV. Continue reading “Universal Television Picks Up Lost City Explorers For TV”
Normals From Aftershock Picked Up for TV
San Diego Comic Con is here, well Preview night, and the announcements are already coming. First up is Normals from Aftershock Comics. The comic was picked up by Fox 21 TV studios. Continue reading “Normals From Aftershock Picked Up for TV”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 7/18/18
Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 7/18/18: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 7/18/18”
Mel V.’s Variant Picks of the Week for July 18th, Plus SDCC Variant Picks
What Up CHU? Mel V. here with your weekly variant picks for July 18th. It is SDCC week, so that means convention season is in full swing and the first of the major conventions are upon us. There are a ton of cool SDCC variants. I remember one of the readers last year wanted me to drop a SDCC one, so I aim to please. Here goes variants I like coming out of SDCC along with some regular beauties that hit tomorrow, we will start with the tomorrow offerings first Continue reading “Mel V.’s Variant Picks of the Week for July 18th, Plus SDCC Variant Picks”
Poyo’s Spec and Drek for July 18th, 2018
Welcome once again to this weeks picks and the dreaded avoid pick. Each Wednesday it’s Christmas for us comic book readers, flippers and collectors.
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 195th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
One Year Later: Spec Review for 7/12/17
What up CHUllectors!?! Shawn B. the One Year Later Investigator, back with another One Year Later round up, where we take a look at some of the comics that Anthony, Mel, and Poyo specced on one year ago. Their specs turn out to be quick flips, slow burns, straight up misses, straight up winners and on and on. Sometimes they spec with their hearts out of their passion for comics. Sometimes they spec based on data. And sometimes they spec based off the word on the street. Either way, all their specs appeal to a few or many collectors whether it is due to them having similar taste in writing or art, or just an opportunity for a collector to flip a book and make money to “support their habit”. So, this is our weekly chance to look back at how some of our buys from a year ago are doing today. Continue reading “One Year Later: Spec Review for 7/12/17”
Margot Robbie’s Next Harley Movie to Feature Black Canary, Huntress, Cassandra Cain, and Renee Montoya
The Wrap had an exclusive story that the next Harley Quinn movie staring Margot Robbie will feature a bevy of DC Female Heroine. In addition, the main villain in the movie will be a never before seen on the screen character. Continue reading “Margot Robbie’s Next Harley Movie to Feature Black Canary, Huntress, Cassandra Cain, and Renee Montoya”
Things I Like and Don’t Like for the Week of July 18th, 2018
It’s that time again where I tell everyone who actually reads this on what is really grinding my gears this week, usually from the week prior as well. Anything and everything around the current week, I usually have something to grumble about or praise. I really do try to stay positive in my posts but that’s near impossible since we humans love dreading on the negative drama in life.
Continue reading “Things I Like and Don’t Like for the Week of July 18th, 2018”
Diamond Comics Top 25 Advance Reorder Comics for July 16, 2018
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 7/16/18: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Top 25 Advance Reorder Comics for July 16, 2018”
New Comic Spec Review Video for July 18th 2018
Anthony from www.comicsheatingup.net talks about the hot new releases for the week. Here is this week’s video for July 18th 2018. Continue reading “New Comic Spec Review Video for July 18th 2018”
Farmhand #1 Signed by Rob Guillory Available
From time to time we get some great creators in our area and we offer up signed books. Today Rob Guillory, artist and writer of Farmhand (out this past Wednesday) and Chew was in town and signing. Continue reading “Farmhand #1 Signed by Rob Guillory Available”
Entertainment Weekly Shows Off First Official Image of Venom’s Face
We caught a glimpse of the Symbiote in the trailer for Venom, but Sony has released the first official still close up of Venom’s face in the upcoming movie. Continue reading “Entertainment Weekly Shows Off First Official Image of Venom’s Face”
Unnatural #1 Goes Back for Second Print
Image Comics is thrilled to announce that UNNATURAL #1, from writer/artist Mirka Andolfo (Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, DC Bombshells), is being fast-tracked for a second printing in order to keep up with overwhelming customer demand.
Continue reading “Unnatural #1 Goes Back for Second Print”
Winner: Amazing Spider-man #1 ComicBookRealm.com Exclusive Gerald Parel Regular and Virgin Variant Covers
Time to pick a winner.
Thanks to our own Shawn B. for setting this up, as well as doughboy at Comic Book Realm for sponsoring this giveaway. This is for the Amazing Spider-man #1 ComicBookRealm.com Exclusive Gerald Parel Regular and Virgin Variant Covers. See below for the winner. Continue reading “Winner: Amazing Spider-man #1 ComicBookRealm.com Exclusive Gerald Parel Regular and Virgin Variant Covers”
Winner: Amazing Spider-Man #1 Stadium Comics New Mutants Homage
Time to pick the winner.
We are drawing the winner for the copy of Amazing Spider-man #1 Jamal Campbell New Mutants Homage Cover from our friends at Stadium Comics. Continue reading “Winner: Amazing Spider-Man #1 Stadium Comics New Mutants Homage”
Rick Remender Deadly Class and Low Vol. 1 on Amazon Prime Day Deals
Image comics is cranking out some deals for Amazon Prime Day. There are a couple of Rick Remender graphic novels worth checking out on the cheap Continue reading “Rick Remender Deadly Class and Low Vol. 1 on Amazon Prime Day Deals”
In a shocking move, Image/Skybound Entertainment dropped the first issue of an all-new series by comics titans Robert Kirkman (THE WALKING DEAD, OUTCAST BY KIRKMAN & AZACETA, OBLIVION SONG), Scott M. Gimple (Punisher: Nightmare, writer and producer for The Walking Dead TV adaptation on AMC), and Chris Burnham (Batman Incorporated, NAMELESS, NIXON’S PALS, OFFICER DOWNE), with colors by Nathan Fairbairn and lettering by Rus Wooton, titled DIE!DIE!DIE! which will be available for sale tomorrow. Continue reading “DIE!DIE!DIE! LAUNCH ROCKS INDUSTRY HEADLINES”
Jeremy Renner to Play Twitch in Spawn Movie
In an exclusive scoop, Deadline broke the news that Academy Award nominated Jeremy Renner will join Jamie Foxx in the cast lineup for Todd McFarlane’s forthcoming Blumhouse film adaptation of SPAWN. Continue reading “Jeremy Renner to Play Twitch in Spawn Movie”
Quick Spoilers: Flash #50, Who is Inmate Crisis?
Flash #50 is in stores tomorrow. It contains an awesome Reverse Flash story. At the end of the story, we get the return of a fan favorite Flash Family character. Check out the spoilers below: Continue reading “Quick Spoilers: Flash #50, Who is Inmate Crisis?”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 194th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”