Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 1/10/18: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Deliver 1/10/18”
Category: Comic Books
Attack of the Killer B’s: Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #20
DC is doing many things right (not talking about the movies here) and one of the biggest things they have done is bring big name artists on to their comics for cover price B covers. Birds of Prey #20 is one of those books. Continue reading “Attack of the Killer B’s: Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #20”
Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 1/8/18
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 1/10/18. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 1/8/18”
New Comic Spec Review Video for 1/10/18
Anthony from www.comicsheating.net releases a weekly video spotlighting the weeks hot new comics. Here is this week’s for delivery 1/10/18: Continue reading “New Comic Spec Review Video for 1/10/18”
One Year Later: Spec Review for 1/4/17
What up CHU Believers!?!? Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday season! Shawn B., the One Year Later Investigator, here, sorry I have been MIA for so long. Had a lengthy vacation and then had some minor health issues for the past month. Wasn’t fun. I even missed out on some recent key issues that came out. But I am back and look forward to starting out 2018 strong with the spec reviews.
I am starting to get more data on historical values of some of the specced releases. So I have added a new Quick Flip Winner section that you will start seeing from time to time. I have also started re-watching Anthony and Terry Hoknes’ spec review videos from a year ago and will be adding some of their specs from them.
I am psyched to be back and hope that everyone has an incredible year of speccing and collecting. That being said, let’s get on with the review. Continue reading “One Year Later: Spec Review for 1/4/17”
Could Cosmic Ghost Rider Appeared Before Thanos #13?
Thanos #13
has been doing well on the secondary market. Written by Donny Cates, the issue introduces the first appearance of the Cosmic Ghost Rider. The Cosmic Ghost Rider works for Thanos, is a tad insane, and rides on a mash-up rocket motor cycle. The character is part of the reason that fans are drawn to the series. But what if this is not the characters first appearance?
Continue reading “Could Cosmic Ghost Rider Appeared Before Thanos #13?”
Rick and Morty #34 Exclusive Blank Sketch Variant Available
Fans of Rick and Morty, or anyone who collects or speculates on the comic will want to check out this one. Now through Monday 1/8/18, Frankie’s Comics has a deal on Rick and Morty #34 Exclusive Blank Sketch Variant. Continue reading “Rick and Morty #34 Exclusive Blank Sketch Variant Available”
Attack of the Killer B’s: Supergirl #18 Artgerm Variant
DC has been killing it with their cover price variant program. Instead of doing high priced ratio variants featuring big named artists, they have focused on cover priced B variants featuring big name artists. Supergirl #18 Artgerm variant continues the trend. Continue reading “Attack of the Killer B’s: Supergirl #18 Artgerm Variant”
Spoilers: Green Lanterns #38, A New Villain Introduced
The A Cover to Green Lanterns #38
, out tomorrow, gives away that there is going to be a new, female, villain in the book. The title gives a lot of the story details as well. But over all it is a pretty good read. Here are the spoilers for Green Lanterns #38
. It is sold out at TFAW, Midtown, and Mycomicshop (there are a few listed on ebay for cover price, this one that has 3 copies for $2.69 each.
) The spoiled images are protected. Click on the spoiler warning to see the spoiled images. The accompanying text is not spoil protected. Proceed only if you do not mind spoilers. Continue reading “Spoilers: Green Lanterns #38, A New Villain Introduced”
Quick Spoiler: Spawn #281, is this the New Hero We Were Promised
To me, and I would need to go back and check the solicitations, but it appears they keep changing what Issue the new hero who is supposed to get their own book will be in. Continue reading “Quick Spoiler: Spawn #281, is this the New Hero We Were Promised”
Spoilers: Walking Dead #175. Finally an Oh $#!+ Moment
Things have been a little slow in The Walking Dead for a bit. We haven’t seen too much action since the end of the Whisper War. With that being said, Walking Dead #175, out tomorrow, does something an issue of Walking Dead hasn’t done in a while. It provides an Oh $#!+ moment for readers. The following images are spoiler protected. Click the image to view the protected images. The accompanying text is not spoiler protected. Proceed only if you are ok with spoilers. Continue reading “Spoilers: Walking Dead #175. Finally an Oh $#!+ Moment”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 167th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
Mel V's Variant Picks for January 3, 2017
What Up CHU? Mel V. back again, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! The holidays are over so its back to the grind. Con season is fast approaching as well. New Year and a new season for Variants as well. Let’s get into this light first week of the new year. Continue reading “Mel V's Variant Picks for January 3, 2017”
Poyo's Spec and Drek for January 3rd, 2018
Happy New Year! This year is already starting off with a bang I think on spec books.
Continue reading “Poyo's Spec and Drek for January 3rd, 2018”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/3/18
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 1/3/18. Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/3/18”
New Comic Spec Review, Terry's Picks, for 1/3/18
Terry Hoknes from www.hoknescomics.com shot over a few additions to the New Comic Spec Review video for 1/3/18. Here are the additions:
Continue reading “New Comic Spec Review, Terry's Picks, for 1/3/18”
Comicsheatingup.net Year In Review
Happy New Year everybody!
Thanks for a wonderful 2017. I want to send special thank you’s to Agent Poyo for his Poyo’s Specs and Drecks, Mel V. for his Mel’s Variant Picks, Blind Adam for his Hidden Gems, Shawn B. for his One Year Later posts, Drunk Wooky for his Star Wars Reports, Alana for her Weekend Spec posts, Louie M. and Cruzzer for their con coverage, and everyone else who contributes, sends tips, reads, comments, and otherwise visits the site. Also big thank you’s to everyone who contributed books for our free comic Wednesdays. We did a ton of great giveaways in 2017 and look forward to doing more in 2018.
We have been doing a summary of the year at the beginning of the new year. There is a lot to get into. We have already done our Spec of the Year selection and our Variant of the Year selection. Now it is time to talk about the year in general. Here is what our year looked like:
Continue reading “Comicsheatingup.net Year In Review”
Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 1/2/18
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 1/2/18. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 1/2/18”
Batman #38 Sold Out at Diamond
We knew that Batman #38 would be hot when we saw the issue preview. We even leaked the spoilers for this a while ago. But the hype for the issue is real, and both covers for the issue are sold out. Continue reading “Batman #38 Sold Out at Diamond”
Stabbity Bunny #1 Secret Variant
Stabbity Bunny is the one book that is on fire that no one really knows to much about. Richard Rivera has been self publishing the book for a while, Kickstarter funding and hand selling copies to people at conventions. The original self published issues are hard to find and have been increasing in value. . The Scout release isn’t even released yet and is selling for multiple times cover price.
Here is the kicker. There is a secret variant for the book that wasn’t announced in previews. Continue reading “Stabbity Bunny #1 Secret Variant”
Mel V's Variants of the Year Results
2017 is at an end and we are starting our year end wrap up. Mel V. scoured the lists of variants to select candidates for the variant of the year. Thanks to all who voted. 427 votes were cast and we have a Variant of the Year winner. It was a pretty decisive one as well: Continue reading “Mel V's Variants of the Year Results”
2017 Spec Books of the Year Poll Results
Thanks to everyone who voted. The votes are in and we have a winner. A pretty clear winner at that. (In no way is this scientific, but thank you to the 431 people who voted.) Continue reading “2017 Spec Books of the Year Poll Results”
New Comic Spec Review Video for 1/3/17
Anthony from www.comicsheatingup.net hosts a weekly video spotlighting the hot new books of the week. Here is this week’s fore delivery 1/3/17: Continue reading “New Comic Spec Review Video for 1/3/17”
Spec Books of the Year, 2017 Poll
Here we go, it is the end of the year and we are looking at the best of the best. In this case, the best COVER PRICED books and B variants of the year. These are books that organically grew hot and have maintained value. Please feel free to add a selection to the poll if you do not see one on here you think should be represented. Continue reading “Spec Books of the Year, 2017 Poll”
Mel V's Variants of the Year Poll
What Up CHU Mel V here with 1st Annual Variants Of The Year Award. It’s my pleasure to bring you guys The Variants of the Week each and every week. We had some winners and we had some losers in the year of 2017 . The following sixteen selections are among the best of the best. Let’s get it started… Continue reading “Mel V's Variants of the Year Poll”