Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 223rd edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel V.’s Variant Picks for January 30th, 2019

What up CHU? Mel V. here with the last variants for the first month of 2019. January is over already? Man, it has flown by thanks in part to some must grab books. You know the chase is real on some of these books. Anyway, I got a bunch of new Variants for you to check out so give them a look. As always, jump in the comments and tell me what you are chasing.  Continue reading “Mel V.’s Variant Picks for January 30th, 2019”

Poyo’s Spec and Drek for January 30th, 2019

This week is looking very promising. Particularly a really cool Killer B cover out from DC that’s sold out online everywhere, was likely under ordered or overlooked by retailers and is heating up on the secondary.

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Things I Like and Dislike for the Week of January 30th, 2019

It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of January 30th, 2019.

Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.

So what’s grinding my gears this week?

Continue reading “Things I Like and Dislike for the Week of January 30th, 2019”

Kaare Andrews Covers Detective #1000 (CHU Pre-Order Discount)

Detective Comics #1000 is coming out in a few months. It is the second of DC Comics to hit the legendary 1,000 issue mark. My local comics shop, Third Eye Comics is doing an exclusive cover featuring art by Kaare Andrews and has a deal for CHU readers to boot. Continue reading “Kaare Andrews Covers Detective #1000 (CHU Pre-Order Discount)”

Final Order Cut-Off Highlights for 1/28/19

Final Order Cut-Off is the last day that shops can guarantee their orders for comics. After Final Order Cut-Off, or FOC, these books will only be available to retailers on Advance Reorder. And that is not guaranteed. So here are the highlights for Monday, 1/21/19’s FOC list. Continue reading “Final Order Cut-Off Highlights for 1/28/19”

Polar Now Streaming on Netflix – Originally A Graphic Novel Now Turned Into NetFlix Original

Polar is now streaming on Netflix starting today, January 25th, 2019. But before you watch the movie, perhaps you should read the graphic novel that inspired the movie.

Continue reading “Polar Now Streaming on Netflix – Originally A Graphic Novel Now Turned Into NetFlix Original” Top Ten Selling Comics for Week of 1/24/19 launched recently and has quickly become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics:
Continue reading “ Top Ten Selling Comics for Week of 1/24/19”

Throwback Thursday for January 24th, 2019

We travel back 39 years ago, all the way back to January of 1980 where we meet two new X-Men characters. One is a new X-Men hero while the other, who’s now a hero started off as a villain to the X-Men.

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DIE from Kieron Gillen & Stephanie Hans Goes Back for a Third Print

This use to seem more like a common thing across most if not all Image books. Seems this trend is slowing down and only really happening on the books that are actually you know, good.

Continue reading “DIE from Kieron Gillen & Stephanie Hans Goes Back for a Third Print”

December 2018 in Review – Part I

Welcome once again to the monthly review where we check the status of all the weekly picks and books we covered from the previous month. This time it’s for December 2018 Part I.

Continue reading “December 2018 in Review – Part I”

Scout Comics Announces New Title ‘Metal Shark Bro’ Four Page Preview

Created by Bob Frantz (Co-Founder of Loophole Comics) and Kevin Cuffe (The Elvis Adventures, IF Anthology); artwork by Walter Ostlie (Shiver Bureau, Haxor) and Shawn Greenleaf (Escape From Jesus Island)

METALSHARK BRO! takes place off the coast of Bali where sharks swim along, casually looking for their next meal. Beelzbra, the horrific nephew of Satan himself, interrupts this tranquil patch of mother nature by turning one of the deadly fish into an anthropomorphic shark with a penchant for brutal murder. Wanting nothing more than to be turned back into the happy, swimming creature he was, METALSHARK BRO must collect nine cursed souls for the wretched little demon before he will turn METALSHARK BRO back. Continue reading “Scout Comics Announces New Title ‘Metal Shark Bro’ Four Page Preview”

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