Admiral Snackbar's Infinity War and Black Panther Spec

Hey CHU Admiral Snackbar here.  Haven’t been posting much for a while because I had to take a huge break from comics but I’m slowly inching my way back in. I watched a video about the Infinity War trailer and I started speculating about  the scene with Thor and Groot and Rocket.   Continue reading “Admiral Snackbar's Infinity War and Black Panther Spec”

Spoilers: Dark Nights Metal #6 Death and Dismemberment

Dark Nights Metal #6 is out today. It wraps up the storyline. Not a bad ending either. We get some big confrontations, death, and dismemberment. Check out the spoilers below. The spoiled images are redacted. The accompanying text is now. Click on the spoiler warnings for the spoiled images Continue reading “Spoilers: Dark Nights Metal #6 Death and Dismemberment”

Quick Spoilers: Moon Girl #29

Moon Girl #29 (available on eBay)  is out in stores today. It is sold out in many online stores. All the cheap copies are already gone off eBay. Could there be something happening in the issue that has made this one sell out early, or is it people just snagging copies after the heat #28 (available on eBay) had? Let’s take a look. Continue reading “Quick Spoilers: Moon Girl #29”

Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 179th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel V's Comic Variant Picks for March 28th, 2018

What’s up CHU? Mel V. back with some variants. It is kind of a small week but I am still gonna tell you what I have my eye on. Just don’t try to beat me to the books come Wednesday. One book I was on the fence about this week is the Daredevil #600 Frank Miller Remastered Sketch Variant. I left it off the list because I do not know many stores that are gonna order 1,000 copies, and not sure how many people are gonna chase it, so I left it off. But here is what I have my eye on. Continue reading “Mel V's Comic Variant Picks for March 28th, 2018”

Poyo's Spec and Drek for March 28th, 2018

Welcome once again to Poyo’s picks of the week. I also go as far as to tell people to avoid some book or books as well. I’m cool like that and likely hated by writers or artists who worked hard for someone like me to tell others to not buy their junk.
Continue reading “Poyo's Spec and Drek for March 28th, 2018”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 3/25/18

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 3/25/18. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 3/25/18”

Chris Stevens Shows off the Face of the Red Goblin for Amazing Spiderman #799

Our friends at the New York Collector Cave have put out some sweet exclusives. This go round they have Chris Stevens doing a close out of Red Goblin for Amazing Spiderman #799. Check it out below. Continue reading “Chris Stevens Shows off the Face of the Red Goblin for Amazing Spiderman #799”

One Year Later: Spec Review for 3/22/17

What up CHUllectors!?! Shawn B., the One Year Later Investigator, back with another One Year Later round up, where we take a look at some of the comics that Anthony, Mel, Terry and Poyo specced on one year ago. Their specs turn out to be quick flips, slow burns, straight up misses, straight up winners and on and on. Sometimes they spec with their hearts out of their passion for comics. Sometimes they spec based on data. And sometimes they spec based off the word on the street. Either way, all their specs appeal to a few or many collectors whether it is due to them having similar taste in writing or art, or just an opportunity for a collector to flip a book and make money to “support their habit”. So, this is our weekly chance to look back at how some of our buys from a year ago are doing today. Continue reading “One Year Later: Spec Review for 3/22/17”

Who is the Red Goblin?

Early on it was assumed that Norman Osborn, who recently bonded with the Carnage Symbiote, was the character who would become the Red Goblin. Spec has been furious on when the character would appear. When it was discovered that Carnage had freed Norman of the nanobots that prevented him from becoming Green Goblin, people started thinking.  Continue reading “Who is the Red Goblin?”

Spoilers: Mighty Thor #705, Death on Her Terms.

Mighty Thor #705 is out tomorrow.
We all knew Jane Foster’s time as Thor was coming to an end. She has had cancer for a while now. The current storyline is entitles, “The Death of Thor”, so the end coming shouldn’t surprise you. The question has been, “how would she die?” Would it be some unbeatable opponent? The Cancer? Some mystical creature? Nope.
Continue reading “Spoilers: Mighty Thor #705, Death on Her Terms.”

Donny Cates Blood Bath Wednesday: Spoilers: Dr Strange Damnation #3

Donny Cates messaged out that there would be a death of a major  character in one of the three books he has coming out Wednesday (Thanos, Dr. Strange Damnation, and Babyteeth.) Well… Here is part two.
Doctor Strange Damnation #3 is in stores tomorrow. Ghost Riders have played a heavy part in Doctor Strange Damnation, Damnation #3 is no different. Several Ghost Riders are in the book, including a Black Panther Ghost Rider, Thor Ghost Rider, and of course, Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider. Continue reading “Donny Cates Blood Bath Wednesday: Spoilers: Dr Strange Damnation #3”

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