We have talked about the “decade variants” for Action Comics #1000, but now we have an exclusive look at the Kaare Andrews exclusive cover for Action Comics #1000 for Third Eye Comics. Andrews did the awesome cover Superman holding the flag on Action Comics #997 Continue reading “Kaare Andrews Covers Action Comics #1000”
Category: Comic Books
Image Comics is pleased to reveal the first four of a series of virgin editions of highly anticipated new issues—INFIDEL #1 by Pornsak Pichetshote and Aaron Campbell, MOONSHINE #8 by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso, SAGA #50 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples, and GIDEON FALLS #1 by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino—each of which will feature back cover quotes from the writers on the importance of their collaborating artists. Continue reading “FIRST FOUR ARTIST APPRECIATION VARIANTS REVEALED”
Full Details on Image Comics At ECCC: Exclusives, Panels, and Creator Signings
Image Comics is pleased to return to Seattle this year for Emerald City Comic Con on Thursday, March 1st through Sunday, March 4th. Please note: updates to the schedule may appear online during the show. Please refer to the www.imagecomics.com post for the most up-to-date information. Continue reading “Full Details on Image Comics At ECCC: Exclusives, Panels, and Creator Signings”
Blind Adam's Hidden Gem Vol. 76
Greetings to my Comics Heating Up and Awesomesauce families. Thank you everyone for reading this each and every week. Lets make the money with some comics. Continue reading “Blind Adam's Hidden Gem Vol. 76”
Scout Comics Introduces Jazz Legend This May
SCOUT COMICS AND ENTERTAINMENT announces the premiere of JAZZ LEGEND in May 2018 Continue reading “Scout Comics Introduces Jazz Legend This May”
Spoilers: Thanos #16, I am not Worthy!
Thanos #16 (available on eBay)
is in stores tomorrow and features the origin of Frank Castle, The Cosmic Ghost Rider. It also contains a big surprise ending.
Continue reading “Spoilers: Thanos #16, I am not Worthy!”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 175th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
Mel's Variant Picks for February 28th 2018
What Up CHU Mel V here with your weekly Variant Picks for February 28TH. BLACK Panther was amazing and CONGRATS TO MOON GIRL for her cartoon (Y’all know I’m super happy about that). This is a pretty decent week there are a few that I am going to miss here. I didn’t add like the Spawn 283 Mattina cover (available on eBay)
. Yes its a great cover. But should you overpay ..I’d say naw, but again do what you feel works for you.
Continue reading “Mel's Variant Picks for February 28th 2018”
Poyo's Spec and Drek for Feb. 28th, 2018
Life gets in the way of all the things I’d rather be doing. I’m just now getting around to my picks less than 2 hours when we publish them usually. So it’s going to be short and sweet this week as I don’t even have an Indie Pick but rather two small publisher picks instead.
Continue reading “Poyo's Spec and Drek for Feb. 28th, 2018”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 2/28/18
Each week tons of new comics hit the stands, each with potenital. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for deliver 2/28/18: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 2/28/18”
Three New Scout Titles Debut at ComicsPro
If you missed ComicsPro this past weekend, you missed out on a lot of cool news (no I wasn’t there.) Like many conventions, there were all sorts of exclusive books available, most are already selling on eBay for multiples of what people paid for them. New titles were introduced as well. One of my favorite small press publishers, Scout, debuted three new titles worthy of attention. Continue reading “Three New Scout Titles Debut at ComicsPro”
Gemma Chan Cast As Dr. Minerva in Captain Marvel Movie
Comicbook.com is reporting that actress Gemma Chan has been cast as Dr. Minerva in the forthcoming Captain Marvel Movie. Continue reading “Gemma Chan Cast As Dr. Minerva in Captain Marvel Movie”
Dynamite Entertainment Giving Away Army of Darkness Digital Comics for AoD 25th Anniversary
As part of the Army of Darkness 25th Anniversary Celebration, Dynamite Entertainment is offering 5 introductory #1 digital comic issues, plus have many more available from .50 cents. Continue reading “Dynamite Entertainment Giving Away Army of Darkness Digital Comics for AoD 25th Anniversary”
New Comic Spec Review Video for 2/28/18
Anthony from www.comicsheatingup.net covers the hot new comics for release on 2/28/18. Continue reading “New Comic Spec Review Video for 2/28/18”
Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 2/26/18
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 2/26/18. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 2/26/18”
Weekend Spec's: DC, Marvel, and Dark Horse TV Shows
It was a busy week for DC related TV shows with a bit of casting news. DC has had horrible luck with movies, when compared to Marvel, but their TV shows are extremely popular. So here is the news and the related spec. We did get some animated Marvel news this week, and wanted to bring you up to speed on Umbrella Academy. Continue reading “Weekend Spec's: DC, Marvel, and Dark Horse TV Shows”
Diamond Set to Release New Online Pull & Hold Service: PREVIEWSworld PULLBOX™
New cloud-based software application will allow comic shop customers to track their subscriptions and place their monthly preorders with their local comic shop retailer. Continue reading “Diamond Set to Release New Online Pull & Hold Service: PREVIEWSworld PULLBOX™”
The highly anticipated new story arc of Mark Millar and Ricardo Lopez Ortiz’s HIT-GIRL #1 is being rushed back to print in order to keep up with overwhelming customer demand. Continue reading “HIT-GIRL RUSHED BACK TO PRINT”
Image Comics is very pleased to announce that the second issue of ICE CREAM MAN, from W. Maxwell Prince (ONE WEEK IN THE LIBRARY) and Martín Morazzo (SNOWFALL), has been fast-tracked for a second printing in order to keep up with overwhelming customer demand. Continue reading “ICE CREAM MAN HAS FANS CLAMORING FOR MORE: SECOND ISSUE RUSHED BACK TO PRINT”
Wednesday Winners
It is nice to walk into the local comic shop on Wednesday and pick up your books. It is even nicer when by the end of the week some of those books are selling for more multiple times cover price. These are the Wednesday Winners. Here are this weeks winners: Continue reading “Wednesday Winners”
Back Issue Bin Lookout: Marvel Knights Millennial Visions
Thanos by Donnie Cates has been a hit for Marvel. In large part the success is due to the introduction of the Cosmic Ghost Rider in Thanos #13 (available on eBay)
. The 1:25 Variant
on eBay is going for crazy money, especially in 9.8 graded. A while back we mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy #13
(available on eBay)
, which has a cosmic Ghost Rider on the cover, not saying it was the same one, but it is a cosmic Ghost Rider. Tonight, we are showing off another version of the Cosmic Ghost Rider. Continue reading “Back Issue Bin Lookout: Marvel Knights Millennial Visions”
Updated: One Year Later: 2/22/17 Spec Review
What up CHUllectors!?! Shawn B., the One Year Later Investigator, back with another One Year Later round up, where we take a look at some of the comics that Anthony, Mel, Terry and Poyo specced on one year ago. Their specs turn out to be quick flips, slow burns, straight up misses, straight up winners and on and on. Sometimes they spec with their hearts out of their passion for comics. Sometimes they spec based on data. And sometimes they spec based off the word on the street. Either way, all their specs appeal to a few or many collectors whether it is due to them having similar taste in writing or art, or just an opportunity for a collector to flip a book and make money to “support their habit”. So, this is our weekly chance to look back at how some of our buys from a year ago are doing today. Continue reading “Updated: One Year Later: 2/22/17 Spec Review”
Rick Remender's New Image Series Death or Glory Features on the March PREVIEWS
The March edition of Diamond Comic Distributors’ monthly PREVIEWS catalog arrives in comic shops on February 28th and features comic books, graphic novels, toys, and other pop culture merchandise scheduled to go on sale beginning May 2018.
Continue reading “Rick Remender's New Image Series Death or Glory Features on the March PREVIEWS”
Image Expo: Full List Comics and Graphic Novels Announced at Image Expo
The Image Expo keynote address, given by Publisher Eric Stephenson, reflected upon soaring sales increases over the course of 2017 for Image Comics and revealed the following new creator-owned project announcements for 2018. The keynote and announcements streamed live for the first time on Twitch.tv/ImageComics.
Here is the full list of comics and original graphic novels that were announced at Image Expo 2018:
Continue reading “Image Expo: Full List Comics and Graphic Novels Announced at Image Expo”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 174th edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”