Incredible Hulk #606 – Is this the First Appearance of Immortal She-Hulk?

Welcome back true believers! With all the recent hype surrounding She-Hulk and her becoming the Immortal She-Hulk, I thought I would dive into the first time She-Hulk died.

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Advance Reviews for F.O.C. 3/9/20

Welcome to another edition of Advance Reviews before Final Order Cutoff. What an interesting week it has been. Seems the only thing on peoples mind is Punchline, and who can blame them? S/he is a hot topic right now and making the speculators who flip quickly some decent profit. So lets dive into these quick and brief reviews and see whats in store for us this week for books on FOC.

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Kickstarter Launch Party – Lady Death Malevolent Decimation

On Feb 19th, I was lucky enough to attend another one of Coffin Comics Kickstarter launches for the newest chapter in the modern Lady Death series – Malevolent Decimation.  It took place at Coffin HQ where many livers have been decimated!  Okay, enough with the jokes… Continue reading “Kickstarter Launch Party – Lady Death Malevolent Decimation”

Speculation Corner for February 17th, 2020

We had all sorts of  rumors and speculation over the past week. Its time to sit back and disseminate the information and discuss what we think, so sit back and put your Tin Foil Hats on.

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DC is promoting their newest character, Punchline, by releasing more promotional material. This time they are spelling out the issues to pick up so that people can buy ahead of time. See below for the email that was sent from DC.


By The Numbers: April Retailer Exclusives for Marvel Comics

This list has been provided to retailers by Diamond. Most who are going to “buy in” have already decided to do so (or maybe they are waiting on feedback). But for us speculators, its interesting to know whats out there and what could potentially be a factor in our flipping. Continue reading “By The Numbers: April Retailer Exclusives for Marvel Comics”

By The Numbers: March Retailer Exclusives for Marvel Comics

This list has been provided to retailers for a few weeks now. Most who are going to “buy in” have already done so. But for us speculators, its interesting to know whats out there and what could potentially be a factor in our flipping.

Continue reading “By The Numbers: March Retailer Exclusives for Marvel Comics”

Speculation Corner: Happy Chinese New Year!

Greetings friends to a special edition of Speculation Corner. Today we are celebrating and preparing for the Chinese New Year. This holiday is traditionally a time to honor household and heavenly deities as well as ancestors. It is also a time to bring family together for feasting. What this really means is that our parents make us clean and then we take them out to eat.

Continue reading “Speculation Corner: Happy Chinese New Year!”

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